Monotonous here lately... - Comments

  • I'm going to shamelessly recommend a story I'm currently working on updating. It's called Happily Ever After (don't let the title fool you, it's not fluff) and whilst it isn't of the darker kind, it's about a girl who decides to get revenge and totally fuck with someone that once hurt her. There is smut, but not every chapter (coz that gets boring to write and read, in my opinion) and it's still in the early stages of introducing characters and the concept of the story, but hopefully it's something different than what you've been reading.

    If you're interested, there's a link in my signature just below Smile
    September 3rd, 2012 at 11:16am
  • @gingerpygmypuff well I'll be sure to read it when you do Wink
    September 2nd, 2012 at 11:34am
  • I'm considering starting up an Avenged story, actually (: I'm not sure if it'll be on the darker side (I tend to stick more with sarcasm and humor) but I figured I should let you know. I feel the same, btw. It's hard to find original stuff nowadays.
    September 1st, 2012 at 10:00am