Fat Issues - Comments

  • @ Looking at Stars
    So I honestly weight 110 now, however I'm 5 feet tall.
    I'm just super frustrated and wanting to so badly just feel good about myself like I said I've been chunky my whole life so a big change would be awesome!
    September 4th, 2012 at 04:45am
  • I'm sure you are not fat, and honestly you're probably underweight at 110 lbs. If you feel good, that is all that matters! You should only want to look good for yourself. But if you still want to slim down, diet is 80% of weight loss. You're making the right choice by avoiding soda and drinking water! Avoid carbs too-stick with "real" food (the outer ring of the grocery store-nothing from a box or freezer). Keep track of your calories and keep exercising. Your photographer sounds like a dick, so ignore what they say! You're gorgeous! :) Be proud of your accomplishments! Seven pounds is a lot to lose, and hard to do! If you think you look good then that's what matters :)
    September 4th, 2012 at 12:31am
  • That photographer is a dick anyway. You are looking great, sweety. I know it's hard to lost some of the fat. I should know since I had fat around my face for quite awhile. But cutting out soda is a great start. I know that you can do this and keep it up. To me, you're not fat at all :/ you still look good to me. <3
    September 3rd, 2012 at 03:01am
  • How tall are you? Because by no means whatsoever is 110lbs fat. Like, at all. Unless you're like 3ft tall. That's really skinny. If I weighed that I'd be all skin and bones because I'm rather tall 5"10'. Your photographer sounds like a bastard.
    September 2nd, 2012 at 07:18pm