What do you choose? - Comments

  • I understand what you mean but I'm not sure you understand what free will truly means. If God intervened every time someone did wrong that would be taking away our free will. It is the same as if he stopped us from doing something good, and made us do something else. How would you feel if someone else control's every single thing about you? Every time you love, it's because he said it so, every time you laugh because he said so. You aren't even you own person. When God granted us with the gift of free will it had the chance of us choosing sin over him but he loved us enough to let us choose. I see you have put a lot of thought into your beliefs about God but you seem to have closed your mind to most thoughts about him. God chose to create us because he wanted to love us and teach us how to love. Free will is so we have a choice to love him or not and yeah he did know we were going to sin but you know what? Despite that sin there are others out there who are learning to love. So yes you can call God lazy but if he intervened for sin he would be breaking his gift to us called free will. You may not see it that way but that is because you see the world a different way and you probably never will see it the way I and many others do, so I don't understand why you are going places searching for fights about religion. If you have a problem with God, then avoid him all together because it won't do you any good to despise him and feed your anger. He created that human who was going to murder because despite that sin, he loved them, just like he loves us when we lie or judge. Sin is equal so if that murderer is a horrible person then so are we.
    September 4th, 2012 at 04:52am
  • If a police officer sees that someone is about to shoot innocent people, they intervene. They have the power and responsibility to help, even though it is not the police officers fault that the criminal is committing a crime.

    I don't see God any differently. He has the power and responsibility to intervene, yet chooses not to. If a person did that - consciously chose not to help when they could- we'd think they're a terrible awful person. Yet, when God does it, people sugar coat it as some majestic, divine act we cannot understand. It doesn't matter if it's God's fault or not, he still lazily set by and let innocent people die. Though I'd argue if God is all knowing as the Bible claims, he was well aware of what choices his creations would make. He knew that human x was going to be a murderer and created human x anyways.
    September 3rd, 2012 at 09:49pm