School Starts Tomorrow! - Comments

  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    I understand. It can be tiring to worry about what's being said behind your back, but at the end of the day, do you honestly care? I've been called things before (whore, slut, skank) simply because I like my hair wavy/curly/messy and not straight. But in reality, I am far from any of those things. I've never even had a first kiss. How in the world can someone call me those names if I haven't even kissed anyone yet?

    My word of advice: trust few. I've learned that after one year in high school. Don't tell anything to anyone unless you've known them for 5+ years. Ignore the things people say about you. If they have so much time that they sit around and spread rumors about you, well, they need to grow up and get a life. It's as simple as that. High school is when kids need to grow up and take responsibilities for their own actions. It's not a big vacation where they can cast aside their school work and hook up with a few 30 people, get pregnant and then talk behind someone's back without a reason.

    Even if they have a reason, it's not an excuse for them to talk behind one's back. It's pathetic that so many high schools waste their lives on sex, drugs and other dumb sh*t.

    Mhm, it does seem that we’re expected to go to school longer than other generations. My parents didn’t attend college, and yet they’ve always had good jobs. You can’t even work at McDonalds without a GED. But in a sense, it’s improving society. It’s teaching younger generations like us to not be lazy and to work hard for what we want. Though, some are proven to be lazy and end up working at McDonalds and other fast food restaurants until the are 50 and have wedlock children because they lazy pieces of crap.

    Anyway, your tiny rant ignited something in me. I’ll leave it at that.
    September 4th, 2012 at 08:28pm
  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    I understand. It can be tiring to worry about what's being said behind your back, but at the end of the day, do you honestly care? I've been called things before (whore, slut, skank) simply because I like my hair wavy/curly/messy and not straight. But in reality, I am far from any of those things. I've never even had a first kiss. How in the world can someone call me those names if I haven't even kissed anyone yet?

    My word of advice: trust few. I've learned that after one year in high school. Don't tell anything to anyone unless you've known them for 5+ years. Ignore the things people say about you. If they have so much time that they sit around and spread rumors about you, well, they need to grow up and get a life. It's as simple as that. High school is when kids need to grow up and take responsibilities for their own actions. It's not a big vacation where they can cast aside their school work and hook up with a few 30 people, get pregnant and then talk behind someone's back without a reason.

    Even if they have a reason, it's not an excuse for them to talk behind one's back. It's pathetic that so many high schools waste their lives on sex, drugs and other dumb sh*t.

    Mhm, it does seem that we’re expected to go to school longer than other generations. My parents didn’t attend college, and yet they’ve always had good jobs. You can’t even work at McDonalds without a GED. But in a sense, it’s improving society. It’s teaching younger generations like us to not be lazy and to work hard for what we want. Though, some are proven to be lazy and end up working at McDonalds and other fast food restaurants until the are 50 and have wedlock children because they lazy pieces of crap.

    Anyway, your tiny rant ignited something in me. I’ll leave it at that.
    September 4th, 2012 at 08:28pm