Things about cosmetics that piss me off, and some things that give me hope. - Comments

  • inactive..

    inactive.. (105)

    United States
    When I was in middle school I had really severe acne. I kept popping my zits because I thought it would help them go away faster (And hey, it's oddly satisfying :p). So I've been left with a lot of scarring on my cheeks. I rarely get pimples now, thankfully, but I still need to cover the scars and the few pimples I get. It's a pain in the ass because if I don't exfoliate my pimples and use enough moisturizer, the pimple and the skin around it gets... crusty? I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but the skin gets flakey and you're able to peel it off >_> I'd LOVE to be able to buy $3 foundation for WalMart, but no. I have to order $12 liquid foundation and $8 powder from a magazine to cover up my acne scars that has more than two hours of coverage. The price is awful, and the wait is irritating. While you're waiting for your new makeup to come, you have to use your old makeup sparingly, and some days your makeup looks awful. >_>.

    And so help me God if I buy makeup and it doesn't match my skin tone... I don't think there's anything else that pisses me off more.

    Phew :s sorry for the rant.

    I also apologize for the double comment. Touchy computer mouse is touchy.
    September 7th, 2012 at 05:08am
  • inactive..

    inactive.. (105)

    United States
    When I was in middle school I had really severe acne. I kept popping my zits because I thought it would help them go away faster (And hey, it's oddly satisfying :p). So I've been left with a lot of scarring on my cheeks. I rarely get pimples now, thankfully, but I still need to cover the scars and the few pimples I get. It's a pain in the ass because if I don't exfoliate my pimples and use enough moisturizer, the pimple and the skin around it gets... crusty? I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but the skin gets flakey and you're able to peel it off >_> I'd LOVE to be able to buy $3 foundation for WalMart, but no. I have to order $12 liquid foundation and $8 powder from a magazine to cover up my acne scars that has more than two hours of coverage. The price is awful, and the wait is irritating. While you're waiting for your new makeup to come, you have to use your old makeup sparingly, and some days your makeup looks awful. >_>.

    And so help me God if I buy makeup and it doesn't match my skin tone... I don't think there's anything else that pisses me off more.

    Phew :s sorry for the rant.
    September 7th, 2012 at 05:08am
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Ah. I can see that happening, definitely.
    :s I guess my personal experience on that is a lucky one
    since I had a helpful MAC employee there as well as
    the options available, unlike some people who say
    their MAC stores / counters are more of a "figure it out
    on your own" type of atmosphere. Oh and I have yellow /
    warm undertones so I am wary of US products because
    those are typically geared towards pink / cool ones.
    September 7th, 2012 at 04:21am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    @kitsch What I meant by extreme is that their pinks and yellows are quite extreme. Like, someone may have a yellow undertone, but MAC's yellow is like REALLY yellow.
    September 7th, 2012 at 04:18am
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    I agree. :/ I've only tried MAC as well so I can't really say much
    but the colour wheels for other brands are not as easy to navigate
    unless you're at the counter / store. It's so much easier to say
    "hey, I'm an NC / NW blahblah" then have to figure out
    304 Maybelline or Light Sand Revlon or something like that.

    It can be extreme but it really helps since they cover a broad
    variety and there isn't a sort of. . .favoritism or assumption
    that all people who use it should be "this" or "that" shade and undertone.

    I think it's definitely getting better, yes. Gradually.
    The industry is becoming more fluid and changing with the times
    because there's more of a movement to do so.
    September 7th, 2012 at 04:09am
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    Ugh, I totally get number one. :/ It is so hard to find foundation that actually matches my skin tone and is within my budget. The lightest color at wal*mart, or any other place, is still too dark. Well, here in this small town it's like that anyway, wasn't hard when I lived in a city. Also, I'm too scared to buy any kind of make-up off the internet, I would much rather actually see it, you know?
    September 7th, 2012 at 03:56am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    @kitsch I think MAC is the only company that really takes undertone seriously with their whole labelling system or NW's, NC's, etc. But they can be a bit extreme. There's a few other high-end brands that are starting to get with this as well, but again, only the high-end ones.
    September 7th, 2012 at 03:55am
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    I agree with practically all of this.
    I'm fairly tan but still fair skinned according to foundation selections
    and it's difficult as it is to find drugstore make up, let alone foundation
    that I can't try out for myself! I don't like how the undertones aren't
    accounted for because not everyone is peachy / red undertone
    or yellow toned. It's ridiculous. Which is why I have to resort
    to buying "high end" foundation AND powder.

    Whitewashing. UGH. Don't even get me started. :c

    There can be exceptions for this, idk, personally I have no
    fears of aging unless my skin gets super dry or oily to
    the point of it being unbearable. Moisturizer IS your friend.

    & I like Illamasqua even though I have only tried their nail lacquer.
    I've been debating on trying their other products to see if I like it.

    Animal testing is such a kick in the teeth for me because
    I know it goes on but I don't have enough options as it is
    and many places refuse to ship PO box USPS. :s
    & because I DO like products from brands that test on animals.
    If that makes me a hypocrite, so be it, because I don't
    see myself going too "organic / au naturale." Not yet, at least,
    until I have more of a stable income since I'm a student with no job.
    (Not that that's the ONLY 'excuse', so to speak.)
    September 7th, 2012 at 03:48am