Venting about a boy... - Comments

  • Cookies R Nasty

    Cookies R Nasty (100)

    United States
    @ holli.sullivan.sykes
    Yeah, boy troubles are pretty much the worst. It just sucks because we're not separated because our relationship was doing poorly. I mean I fully understand why he left (church mission), but it just had the worst timing. We were doing so well, and now I'm here counting days down until he'll be back home to see if we're compatible still in 14 months.

    But I know exactly what you mean. With the whole hating people who constantly break up and make up. My boyfriend before Riley happened to be my break up and make up guy. It's so frustrating. Sometimes it's hard to understand how people can completely break away cleanly.
    September 11th, 2012 at 07:36pm
  • holli.sullivan.sykes

    holli.sullivan.sykes (150)

    United States
    :( Boy troubles suck. I still have them bad, sometimes.

    My (ex) boyfriend, Colton, is my brother's best friend. We "talked" for almost two years before he would finally even think about dating me, which sucked. I wanted him sooooo bad, but he was too afraid of what my brother would think. We finally started dating, though, and dated for almost a year. And then he dumped me. Lol

    Apparently, I'm an asshole.

    But we're "talking" again, now. Which sucks, because I hate those people who are constantly breaking up and getting back together, but oh well! Lol
    September 11th, 2012 at 07:17pm