Advice from people who went away from home to college? - Comments

  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    Basically you'll have to figure out what works for you, since everyone is different, and maybe it won't be a big deal anyway, once you're actually there. Here's some things that might help, though:

    Get lost in work. Do assessments, research/study, and focus on why you're there and doing well at it.

    Call home frequently. Or Skype or email, just whatever is available. Ask about how people are, pets, what's going on in your area, and just keep up to date. Also going back for a weekend or mid-semester break or whatever holidays you have can be helpful, if you can afford to.

    Take some memoirs with you. This can be anything as simple as photos, or a cool birthday present your parents got you, or your family's favourite movie, or even making a homemade dish that your mother makes really well. Anything that you can see/do that will remind you of back home.

    Meeting and hanging out with new college friends is always great. They'll make you happy and distract you from missing home, and usually will make college better than home.

    Try and make your new place as much like a home as possible. Put up posters, pictures, decorations, etc until it feels like your new home. Be comfortable living there.

    Don't be afraid to talk to someone about it or seek more info/help. The college should have some sort of organisation that you can go to to talk about college issues, and your family will be supportive and so will your friends. If you're having a tough time, don't keep it all in.

    That's all I can think of right now... I hope something was helpful! :)
    September 14th, 2012 at 02:31am