I'm not entirely sure how it happened. - Comments

  • second-hand smoke

    second-hand smoke (150)

    Wow. Your life really IS becoming like a mibba story. I'm just gonna be extremely blunt here, to try and help clear some things up for you. This Dillon guy is obviously a MASSIVE drop-kick/loser/fucking insane. If he has random, massive rage-fits, physically abuses your BEST friends, forces you into making out with him AND does drugs, he is obviously very dangerous. He is not the kind of person you want to be around! Maybe his little 'i miss you' texts make you feel good about yourself for five minutes, but these type of guys are toxic. By the sounds of it, he knows all the right things to say. You're caught in his trap.

    I know you can't control who you have feelings for, no matter how much of a bad person they are. Believe me, I KNOW. It's so hard to make it all go away. But if you focus on all the very REAL things that are WRONG, it's a start. I know that the feelings I once had for Riordan are now slowly being eaten away by my deep loathing for him. He makes me fucking sick to my stomach. But I'm not going to do anything about it. I want to be menacing and ruthless and get revenge for all the shit he pulled me through but then I'd be just as bad as him.

    I think all we can both do is try to cut Riordan and Dillon out of our lives. Cut off all contact, keep busy and try to move on. At least, that's what I'm going for at the moment. It fucking hurts, but it hurts because it matters. We're gonna get through all this shit together.

    We don't need to do anything more than cut them out of our lives. People like Riordan and Dillon eventually self-destruct on their own. I can't fucking wait for that day. The only day that will be sweeter is when they come running back, and we tell them to get fucked.

    We can do this. No one fucks with us and gets away with it. CHILES UNITE AND FIGHT.
    September 14th, 2012 at 09:27am