Religion does. not. help. me. - Comments

  • harlotofadiffrntkind

    harlotofadiffrntkind (100)

    United States
    God hates everyone, if he's real. If there was a plan, I'm pretty sure we would be born with maps or something to show us, and a bible written 2000 years ago (suposed proof of god), by men who heard a voice in their head telling them what to write down is a bit troublesome. That shit would never fly these days. You would be tossed into the looney bin. (For good reason too ;) If you dont want the antidepressants (as in they do more damage than good) you could always just pretend to take them.
    September 19th, 2012 at 04:32am
  • RebelAlien

    RebelAlien (100)

    United States
    Counselling is much more helpful!
    September 17th, 2012 at 06:48pm
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    @ dru's hammer.
    I have to go to counseling. After my parents found out that I was suicidal they told me I either go to church or a couselor as long as i continue living with them. They also put me on antidepressants. I haven't gone to my first appointment yet though. Everyone I've talked to so far in person (besides my sister) has been of no help.
    September 17th, 2012 at 06:24pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    i suggest counseling. :) and i'm a christian, btw
    September 17th, 2012 at 06:04pm
  • NOL668

    NOL668 (100)

    United States
    So what you're saying is, you need a Doctor. ;) and his blue box.

    God isn't the one at fault for the troublesome times in your life. There was a story once of a man... "One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
    Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
    In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
    Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
    other times there was one only.
    This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life,
    when I was suffering from anguish,
    sorrow or defeat,
    I could see only one set of footprints,
    so I said to the Lord,
    “You promised me Lord,
    that if I followed you,
    you would walk with me always.
    But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
    there has only been one set of footprints in the sand.
    Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”
    The Lord replied,
    “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints,
    my child, is when I carried you.”"

    I know right now you feel so alone at the moment and you want to blame God for all your problems, but that's not going to make it go away. Try not to be miserable, because you will only feel misery. Try to go out and do things you like. If you are having trouble with your friends, make new ones. (I know making new friends isn't so easy. I'm at a new school and I've not made any friends, but I will talk to anyone who talks to me, and that is fun) Another thing you might try to feel better is to do things you like. My favorite thing to do is write, so I write. Maybe you can read or write. That is a nice escape from reality.

    Just try to cheer up! If you ever need someone to talk to, or if you need a friend. I will be here. You are not alone. :)
    September 17th, 2012 at 03:11pm
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    This so much. Every single time I'm in pain, people would keep telling me that I should see it as part of God's plan. Does this plan apparently involve losing everything dear to me and going through so much bs. I'm just glad my best friends understand that I'm not religious so they leave God out of any help they're trying to give me. I think actually genuinely helping someone yourself is much more effective than just saying "Don't be sad cos God said so."

    September 17th, 2012 at 02:51pm