Normandy's Issue With America's Sweetheart: Taylor Swift - Comments

  • femincest

    femincest (150)

    United States
    Idrk why the hell you care about how maturely she ends her relationships. Especially since with how much money she makes, half of her songs are probably complete bullshite - she writes breakup songs because thats what shes popular for. She keeps writing them because they keep her popular and rich.

    I hate her because her music is a sugarcoated plastic narrative of what a girl is "supposed" to feel. She plays into stereotypes and make girls feel like if all they think about isnt boys, theyre not fucking girl enough. She seems like a greedy, boring, stingy bitch too.

    P.S. Why is "All American" blonde hair and blue eyes if the natives of this country are dark skinned, dark eyed and dark haired?
    September 17th, 2012 at 12:34pm