Fan fiction ruining a fan base? - Comments

  • colibri

    colibri (150)

    I've always thought fan fiction was cool. And I know that if I were famous enough to have fan fictions written about me, I'd be like "WOAH COOL STUFF." but then like Audrey T said, disturbing fan fictions like incestual pairings to real life people is incredibly uncomfortable, and I can see where, if someone were to read a fan fiction about themselves with another person they know very well, it would get incredibly awkward. After a while when you're reading these made-up stories about you and your bandmates doing things... it must get horribly uncomfortable. People still have the right to write it, though. It would get a little scary though, after a while, reading all these things about yourself written by strangers.

    But I've never been able to write an aSoIaF fan fiction because George RR Martin doesn't like people writing fan fictions about his stories. I've always REALLY wanted to, but alas... I must abide by his feelings. Because I respect that man's existence too much to even think something against him. I'm horrible that way. I abide by rules too much.
    September 18th, 2012 at 04:46am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    I definitely agree with what Audrey said.

    I think any person who ever had a fanfiction written about them is entitled to be upset about it, yes. Can they specifically stop fans from doing it though? No, not really, unless legal action is taking.

    What I'm trying to say here is, not everyone agrees with fanfiction - whether they be famous or not. And that's okay.

    What's NOT okay is attacking those who do like it/read it/write it. There's a right way to express feelings toward something disliked, and a wrong way. Sometimes when it comes to fanfiction, a lot of things said happen to be put in a way that is not needed, and could save everyone from being so butthurt.

    My opinion stands as this: if you like it, like it. If you write it, write it. If you read it, read it. If you don't do ny of that, don't. Just don't be a complete jerk about it, no matter what side you stand on, you know?
    September 18th, 2012 at 04:44am
  • Marissa1117

    Marissa1117 (100)

    United States
    @Audrey T I completely agree with you. I guess I wasn't really thinking about how the celebrity felt about it. I guess it's just because I've read fan fiction since I was like twelve and I mean nothing really bothers me anymore. Whether it be a threesome, incest, rape..etc etc but like you said it's not okay for a fandom to attack the author that's probably only like fifteen. I saw people calling this poor girl a whore and just other terrible names for writing a story. I just don't understand people but thank you for giving me your opinion. Now, I see where the celebrity is kind of coming from.
    September 18th, 2012 at 04:38am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    I don't think fan fiction can ruin a fanbase but I do think real-life people who are featured in them have every right to be upset if they find a fan fiction that is upsetting to them.

    I mean, I definitely get that for some people seeing a fan fiction about themselves or knowing it's out there might freak them out and if it's something they're uncomfortable with and if it's something they don't want out there, they're entitled to make that clear. Especially when considering some of the more disturbing fan fictions that are out there - things that may even leave a celebrity enraged (for example some father-daughter incest fics that's out there about real life celeb. fathers and their real life often very young daughters). Especially if the fan fic features very negative things about the people that celebrity loves (their family).

    What I'm not okay with is any fandom deciding that the appropriate way to react to a fan fiction is to dogpile attack the author and call them vile names and threaten them in disgusting ways. I don't think that's ever okay, no matter how the celebrity feels about fan fiction in general or a fan fiction specifically. Especially when considering the nature of (most) fan fiction - fans just really love a celeb and it can be another way fantasize about them or feel closer to them - and the fact that a lot of fan fictions writers are just very young teens...I mean, practically kids. I don't think it's ever appropriate for a group of people to decide to verbally attack and bully, when we know the effects cyberbullying can have and how quickly it can get out of hand.
    September 18th, 2012 at 04:27am