About My Depression + About My Anxiety - Comments

  • Eames

    Eames (100)

    United States
    I feel like I could have written this same exact thing! I have a similar story, I ended up seeing a therapist for anxiety and depression in my junior year of hs, but tbh even though it helped a little, I really did my best to just try and get out of going. But I think the most learning I did was on my own, I only came to the conclusion you did at the end of this blog, this past summer. I needed to indoctrinate myself with the truth that no one cares! And even if people do notice you for a negative reason, they aren't going to remember it for long, so we can stop worrying about what other people think and do what we want. And it also helped to think of worst case scenarios, the worst case scenario in a lot of things that caused me anxiety wasn't really that bad at all, in fact the anxiety over it was worse than any result.
    September 19th, 2012 at 04:46am
  • Farce.

    Farce. (100)

    United States
    This is me. I am like you. And I realize it. I too see a therapist. Stay strong, cause you are not alone. :) I know we may not face the same trial and tribulations but I'm sure you can endure. I believe in you!
    September 19th, 2012 at 04:31am