It's More Than Just Noise and Sounds - Comments

  • Haha, same :) I sang the lyrics in my head too. The first thing I thought was... gee I'm such I Black Veil Brides nerd... haha but that was really good, and it makes a lot of sense. I was a little suprised about the boy in the coma story but I thought it was really nice :) You're right about music saving lives and performing miracles, it saved mine and stopped me from doing horrible things. I'm always looking for ways to show off my music genre at school even if I get weird looks. Last year I had to do a write up on anything I wanted for my class. I chose the history of the band Green Day :D AND it was a photo essay, meaning most (and when I say most, I mean EVERY person :P) people in my class would be scared shitless when it was time for me to present because, like you said, they're "scary". That's what pisses me off most... There's music out there that's nothing but mindless, empty lyrics and, of course, they're the groups, bands and artists that everyone likes because they're "new" and they're "hot" and they're always stereotypical. Then you get those beautiful bands that aren't what people would call "normal" and automatically everyone hates them. They're scary. They're fags. They're satanic. They cut themselves because they're "emo". But have any of those people really listened to any of their lyrics? Found out the meanings to the songs? Watched interviews and see what they're really like? They're just people... regular people. Well, maybe not regular :) They have a talent. A talent to write and make music and become inspirations and MEAN something to people. Like Black Veil Brides for example. They're oh so scary yet their music is so amazing and they have messages that help, people like me all day and every day. Don't get me wrong. There ARE some stereotypical music artists that have full, meaningful lyrics but I still prefer the nice ol' rock, screamo and metal :) Well... Sorry, I kinda got off topic :P but anyways I really loved this and I'm happy that you decided to do your essay on this :) I personally think you're right "It's More Than Just Noise and Sounds". :D
    September 23rd, 2012 at 01:32am
  • holy shit lovedd itt!!!
    September 22nd, 2012 at 07:34pm
  • LOVED IT!!!! Jeez, can you write my school essays for me? You're such an amazing writer!!!! :D <3
    September 21st, 2012 at 04:06am
  • I sang those first six words in my head. I can't tell you how much I love that song alone. Black Veil Brides are so much more than just music, they're life savers like you said and evoke emotion from just anyone who really listens to them. I love them so much, and I'm glad they've come so far, and excited to see how far they'll go. :)
    September 20th, 2012 at 03:40am