Warning Signs On Blogs - Comments

  • @ hephaestus
    Yeah. :) Mr. Zuhdi often goes into detail about each myth and I'm sure I take more notes than everybody else (I go beyond what he tells us to write) just because I'm interested in the subject, though it's only a semester class.
    September 20th, 2012 at 06:02am
  • @ I'mNotAVampire
    Oh, that's awesome!
    I love this particular god more than the others, because he was 'ugly' and often not respected. I like to call him the 'lonely god' as well. Because it's sort of true. He's closely followed by Apollo on my list though.
    September 20th, 2012 at 05:52am
  • @ hephaestus
    I'm just interested in Greek mythology. I'm taking a mythology class at my high school. We've just finished talking about the gods and have moved on to heroes and mortals. :)
    September 20th, 2012 at 05:41am
  • @ I'mNotAVampire
    Yeah, I just think that if they explain why they dislike rather than hate something, it's a bit better.
    And yes, greek mythology- the good of blacksmithing and flame.
    But i might be changing it soon lol
    September 20th, 2012 at 05:39am
  • @ hephaestus
    I have seen both "Why I Dislike Fan Fiction" and "Why I Hate Fan Fiction", in fact I almost put the second one in the blog, but decided against it.

    By the way nice user name. It's Greek mythology, correct?
    September 20th, 2012 at 05:37am
  • @ bella heart shawnee
    Exactly. I don't comment on it though. I don't wanna start anything. :)
    September 20th, 2012 at 05:34am
  • I think you make some good points but also some less than adequate ones, no offense. For instance, I think it's fine that they post these blogs. It's their opinion. And to be honest, I'd rather see "Why I Dislike Fanfiction" rather than "I hate fan fiction" because the first will state why they hate it and provide a point. The second will do the same but it will easily offend more people.

    Now, about the saying they dislike a band or singer is just fine by me. If they said they hate him because they're queers or something, that's not okay. But if I, were for example, to say 'I hate My Chemical Romance' I have every right to say that and not even provide an opinion on way because it hasn't offended anyone. I didn't bash (not really) and I didn't really say that they were terrible. Basically, I just don't like the music and therefore don't listen to it.

    And keep in mind, these are other people's opinions. Don't let it bother you. If you like a band and they don't, don't feel like they're wrong. Ignore it. They don't dictate what you listen to.
    September 20th, 2012 at 05:30am
  • I think it's unreasonable, period, when people write a blog and think that just because they put a "warning" in the title no one is allowed to be offended. People will still read it and they can still be offended by whatever's in the blog. Of course if they know it's going to be something negative about something they like (fanfiction, for example) it might sometimes be best not to read it but each user still have a right to and they still have a right to disagree and comment on it.
    September 20th, 2012 at 05:26am