Billie Joe in Rehab? Green Day Apologizing? What The Hell? - Comments

  • Billie J. Armstrong

    Billie J. Armstrong (100)

    United States
    @ Ghost?
    Hey, it's all good. I'm totally with you on what you said. Lol. :)
    September 25th, 2012 at 03:59am
  • Billie J. Armstrong

    Billie J. Armstrong (100)

    United States
    @ The Zac
    I don't mean to come off in a negative way in this comment, but I apologize in advance if I do. I'm not just a "silly fangirl." Yes, I am clearly aware that I am not Billie Joe's closest friend or whatever, but there has been enough footage of him where he is completely wasted and if he was wasted, Mike and Tre would've personally apologized. As they did when Billie fell ill earlier this month. I know Yahoo! is a bad news site, but they've been going off CNN. So there isn't much of a difference there. And Billie can be preachy, as irritating as it is, but he does not whine. And as for you calling Green Day lame, well you don't really have much to say about them. You already made up your mind that you don't like them, therefore seeing this entire episode in a different point of view. :)
    September 25th, 2012 at 03:40am
  • The Zac

    The Zac (100)

    No you don't know that he was not wasted, you're a silly fangirl not his close friend or whatever. If you're referring to his big whinge onstage, he looked either smashed or like a whiny faggot. But I don't know the full story. And yeah it was trash talk, he was using Bieber's name in a negative light to get all the other "punk" faggots on his side. If he's really checked himself into rehab, he's on the track to not being so much of a weak faggot. Having said that, Green Day's lame and the outburst was pussy. also fangirls are double lame. That is all. oh and Yahoo News is pretty bad. Like very bad.
    September 24th, 2012 at 03:32pm
  • femincest

    femincest (150)

    United States
    Hm well, he isn't like Justin Bieber because Justin Bieber admits to being a corporate pop whore.
    September 24th, 2012 at 01:04pm
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    I also agree with Ghost? - it really seems unlikely he's in rehab and it's far more likely he's just gonna take a few days off and then just get on with it. The media will twist and turn this story until it's completely untrue.
    September 24th, 2012 at 10:12am
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    The official GD site hasn't said he's going to rehab, so I just think he's getting other help/support. As you said, he's done "substances" for a while, so it's nothing sudden. I don't like the big fuss about it. It seems like they're just using that as an excuse or a cover up of his frustration of being cut short, even though everyone was clearly mad that they were being kicked off. I hate the media's reaction to it. It's just not right.
    September 24th, 2012 at 10:11am
  • cherry kisses.

    cherry kisses. (100)

    United States
    I'm confused as all hell about this. Every news source is saying he's "checked himself into rehab" but yet, he's still posted up pictures on Instagram today, one just a few hours ago of his dog, whom would be at his house I presume. I seriously don't believe he's in rehab. Nor needs to be. Adrienne tweeted and made it seem like he was just taking a few days off to rest. The apology was clearly from Warner and not Billie or the band. Billie nor Adrienne have said anything about rehab. So, until someone from Green Day or Adrienne says anything confirming he's in rehab I'm going to assume he's not. I'd be honestly shocked if he went to rehab. He's 40, married with kids, he's responsible enough not to be abusing any substances at this point in his life. One site reported he was "abusing prescription drugs" and that's complete bullshit. This whole thing has gotten taken to the utmost ridiculous proportions. Sorry for my own rant xD
    September 24th, 2012 at 09:30am