who agrees? - Comments

  • I think change can be made by being more positive, attitude on its own could change the world,
    October 13th, 2012 at 05:24am
  • The reason that's all you hear about is because that's what's still, to some extent, shocking, and so that's what makes the news. Good people behaving well and raising good, well-behaved children and going to their jobs and buying furniture isn't entertaining to everyone. People have a morbid curiosity about the entertainment value of bad news.

    The sad thing is, yes, crime levels do rise. It's hard to deal with and more and more people have to take precautions. But that doesn't mean the whole world is fucked. There are still, I think, more good people than bad.

    You give a shit, though, right? And who says you can't do anything? I think the best thing any of us can do is spread the goodness, try to do good for other people and hope that they pass it on, and do our best to influence the people we love to do the same, you know?
    October 13th, 2012 at 04:35am