This is how I feel about Amanda Todd + her youtube video. - Comments

  • @ like_taking_diamonds
    Thank you for not attacking me, and seeing things in my POV, and not drawing conclusions as most of the others have done.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:43am
  • So here's what I've taken from all of this: being bullied and harrassed is okay. As someone who was bullied in her life, I now realize this was my fault.

    Also, I, as a woman, should in no way, ever, walk around outside alone, whether it be day or night. So I guess I'm not going outside anymore. Thank God for WiFi! Now I have something to do without spending meaningless hours outside, where I clearly don't belong alone.

    Ooooh, I know! Maybe if I ever do go outside with someone else, I'll let them put me on a leash. Just to be safe.

    Thanks guys! :)
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:41am
  • @ Snow White;
    Funny that you'd say such a thing. I wouldn't allow my childen on the internet at age 11/12. You can keep this going all day, can't you? You do realise you're attacking me for my opinion, yes?
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:40am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    I hope you never have children who makes mistakes as children do, because it sounds like they'd be pretty crushed having a mother blaming them for being abused.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:38am
  • @ Snow White;
    It's partly her fault. She was the one online, showing her breasts to a stranger. :)
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:37am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    A girl should be able to walk home at night alone, without the fear of getting raped.

    I mostly agree with Draco. I think the parents and the pedophile should take most of the blame, but I can agree that Amanda should get some blame. At twelve I knew better than to talk to strangers on the web, but at the same time I realize she was only twelve and it was a mistake she made, so I only give her a small ounce of blame and say she was a kid that did a very stupid thing. By no means do I mean that what the pedophile did is correct. I truly believe he is a sick individual. However, the parents should have pressed charges. Where were they for that? She was a minor, they had all the rights in the world to press charges. That man deserves to be in jail.

    As for how she slept with another girls boyfriend and got beaten up for it. Well, again it was a stupid decision she made, though this has more blame for the pedo as if he hadn't caused all the bullying she would have had the self-esteem and self-respect necessary to say no.

    I think she just became a very damaged girl that couldn't find the way out of a hole she'd fallen into. She was kid that made stupid choices and unfortunately, it had a lot to do with guys talking her into things. I think her parents should have been more involved. It's important for parents to be present in a preteens life, they should have been monitoring her internet access and not allowing web cams. What twelve year old needs a web cam?

    While I think you stated your opinion wrong, I can kind of see the point you were trying to make. Yes, she should get a bit of credit considering her actions, but more blame should be put on the parents and especially on the pedophile that started the mess. She was just an insecure twelve year old girl looking for attention that I believe she didn't get at home.

    So that's my opinion on it.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:35am
  • @ Draco.Malfoy
    As someone who has been a victim of cruel bullying and had a mother who did everything she could to stop it but wasn't successfull I say that's horrible.

    @ Raoul Duke
    At least I don't blame a child for being abused. :)
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:35am
  • Raoul Duke:
    A girl walking home alone at night should know better not to.
    That took me by complete shock and horror. Out of all the things you've said, that has to be the absolute most terrifying thing. How could you even justify saying that? As a woman who often goes out at night, that terrifies me to the core you'd say that. When I was in school, I took night classes and would be out past 10pm often. I work at night and I go to protests at night. As a woman, I should be free to walk around at night without having to fear being raped and then being held accountable because, according to you, women shouldn't be out at night. Right? That's a very terrifying thing to say. Women should be allowed to go out at night without fearing rape and then being held accountable for it. It is not their fault at all.

    Women are never responsible for rape. It's terrifying that anyone would even so much as consider blaming a rape victim for the rape.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:35am
  • @ Snow White;
    That's your opinion, and quite frankly, it's extremely frightening that you think that way.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:34am
  • @ Snow White;
    No, I'm saying the parents should have taken better action with their child and they are as much to blame as anyone in the situation. And I believe that if they would have had more control over their daughter then she would still be alive. If I were an attorney for the state I would not only go after the pedophile, but the parents for neglecting their child. I think parents who's children have commited suicide have neglected their child in some shape or form.

    But also yes, her parents should have taken her interenet away from her after she was easily swayed to show her private parts to a stranger on the internet.

    Her parents should have also taken the time to tell her about these risks before she even got on the internet. They should have told her to never trust anyone on the internet and that there are perverts who pray on anyone who will let them.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:33am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    People shouldn't have to be afraid to walk out their damn front doors and be grabbed and raped just because their alone. And no, because you're out walking alone, it's not your fault. What are you supposed to do, wait around for someone to go out with you? Some people don't have that kind of time.

    Twice. Twice, in my town, have two separate girls almost been grabbed walking alone to school. Is that their fault? No.

    Rape isn't anyone's fault but the rapist.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:33am
  • It's never your fault if you are raped. Ever. Not even if you get hammered and follow a random guy home. It's not a wise decision but it doesn't mean that you're to blame for being raped. Just as Amanda is not to blame for a pedophile taking advantage of her when she was just a child. It is extremely frightening that you think this way.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:33am
  • @ Alexander Bernadotte
    You must not have read all the comments, yes? Let me remind you. Here, just incase you refuse to read this comment from me as well.

    October 15th, 2012 at 12:32am
  • I never, not once, said that Amanda was to take FULL blame for this. Everyone plays a role in this. Her parents, the pedophile, Amanda. But when it comes down to it, I do think it was partly her fault. You're not going to change my opinion, so if that is what you're here to do, please do not comment anymore.

    @ Snow White;
    As I said up top, it wouldn't be all of the girls fault, but how may times does a girl have to be raped after being kidnapped while walking home alone at night for other girls to realise that it's not safe, and never will be no matter where you are, to walk home alone in the night time or day time? Don't even call me sick, because this is the truth. If you're raped on the street because you're walking home alone, well, it's partly your fault. If you're raped for any other reason? No, it's not your fault.

    @ Kurtni
    If you have a problem with that, then why don't you advocate for them? I surely will not. It's still partly their fault.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:29am
  • @ Draco.Malfoy
    So basically she should be punished for someone else taking advantage of her.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:26am
  • Raoul Duke:
    @ Snow White;
    A girl walking home alone at night should know better not to.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:25am
  • @ Snow White;
    Yes, due to her having a Facebook even after the first threat was already made. This all occured because she liked meeting new people on the internet, which leads to the parents at blame again. After it happened the first time her internet privileges should have been taken from her and her parents should have had a very serious talk with her about boys and perverts at that point.

    I'm not saying Facebook is to blame, it could have happened on any social site, but she was also message by the boy she slept with on Facebook...who she did know for a fact had a girlfriend. She made poor choices in life but highschool is not all that.

    Young people need to learn this, because most of the time after everyone has graduated and went to college (or didn't) no one cares that you were Homecoming Queen or Prom Queen. That stuff doesn't matter anymore after your graduate. They are just fun memories.

    Highschool sucks for mostly everyone. It shouldn't have gone as far as moving different schools and citys several times because her parents couldn't steer her in the right direction or keep her at home where she couldn't get in trouble. My mom made me clean the entire house so I didn't go anywhere and get in trouble or into drugs after she caught me the first time.

    Parents are to blame as well as any actions Amanda did and the pervert.

    It's just like when a Nurse messes up at a hospital for neglect, is the nurse in trouble? Yes. But who has to pay the bill? The facility she works at because she is under their supervision.

    Amanda was a minor and under the supervision of her parents, who did not do so well at their job.

    Frankly, everyone gets depressed. Even I have break downs after I feel like a faliure on a tests or have let my parents down. It's all mental though. You need a steady mind set to stay focused and not get lost in your own thoughts.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:25am
  • I read this blog about a half an hour ago -- along with its comments -- and I still haven't found a proper way to word the way I feel about this. I'm beyond appalled by your words. As the other commentors mentioned, your words are beyond frightening and absolutely disgusting. A girl was pushed to the edge because of her mistakes and you go straight out and basically blame her for not taking the proper steps to prevent it? For God's sake, she was a child. Nobody deserves to be bullied, nobody deserves to be raped, and nobody sure as hell deserves to be pushed to the edge. This blog is beyond hateful at this point. I'm sorry, but shame on you.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:24am
  • "she moved to different schools, but she never pressed charges against the pedophile"

    Because they have no idea who the pedophile is, and pressing sexual abuse charges is incredibly difficult. (Not to mention that as a minor, she cannot press charges. Her parents cannot even press charges without a DA willing to pursue the case)

    Women who are raped with unquestionable DNA evidence have a hard time getting a conviction, imagine having an unknown, internt pedophile being your abuser, when people have an attitude like yours and believe it's the victims fault anyways. No one advocates for victims like Amanda Todd, they'd rather blame them and chastise women for their sexuality.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:21am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    So she'd also be responsible for being raped?
    That's just even more frightening and I do agree now fully with Courtney in regards to this being hateful and slut shaming.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:20am