This is how I feel about Amanda Todd + her youtube video. - Comments

  • @ Snow White;
    A girl walking home alone at night should know better not to.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:19am
  • @ Draco.Malfoy
    She had problems, though, after all this started, like anxiety and such. It isn't like moving to a new school will make all those disappear. What would joining a club, or getting a hobby, do? I have hobbies, I'm in clubs, doesn't mean I don't get depressed from time to time. You can have an outside life and still feel just as Amanda did.

    And, like it was stated, he wasn't only stalking her on Facebook. He knew the names of her family and friends, her address and the school she went to. He gave her an ultimatum (excuse me if I spelled that wrong): either she was to send the photos to everyone, or he would. There wasn't any way out of what happened. They wouldn't been showed their way.

    ...what does sleeping with someone's boyfriend have to do with it?

    And as we all pointed out, yes, she moved schools but guess what, everyone found out in the new school, that's why she moved again to another one. In her new school, they treated her the same as the kids in the old school.

    Just because you find people who don't know/care about the situation won't stop the torment of those who do.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:17am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    And a girl who walks home at night was still alone on the street at night, it doesn't make her responsible for the rape.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:17am
  • @ Snow White;
    She was on the internet as the age of 12. You cannot put all the fault on the pedophile.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:16am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    Someone who is a victim of a pedophile isn't responsible. Just as little as a rape victim is responsible.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:15am
  • @ Kurtni
    I wasn't 'slut shaming' her. I don't think she's a slut. And you have made a point. Yes, I shouldn't have made a blog without knowing the whole story, but it angers me that everyone has been making a big deal about her. Yes, she was manipulated by a pedophile. While I now think that she wasn't as wrong to show her breasts, I do think she should have take all responsibility for what happened to her. Yes, she was 12 when it happened, but she shouldn't have been talking to strangers to begin with. Yes, she moved to different schools, but she never pressed charges against the pedophile. I understand that her parents shouldn't have even let a 12 year old go online. It might now have been fully her fault, but she does play a role in it.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:14am
  • @ Draco.Malfoy
    However the information was spread more than once.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:13am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    Then at this point, all I can really say is I find your opinion to be very frightening and very dangerous to the safety of children in general. The view you have of blaming pedophilia victims is legitimizing pedophilia even if you don't mean to, and that is a truly frightening view to hold. Victims of pedophilia shouldn't be blamed. They're children who are manipulated, controlled, and abused. I don't see how you can rightfully blame the victim in situations like pedophilia.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:12am
  • @ Snow White;

    She changed school at least three times and even went to live with her mother in a differnt city. She could have joined any club at the new schools that didn't know anything about her. This occured over a period of years and if she wouldn't have had a Facebook after her first incident with someone threatening to send pictures then I belieive it could have been avoided a second time.

    Not to mention sleeping with someone elses boyfriend occurs a lot. And depending on the size of the school she went to I'm sure she could have found people who didn't know of the situation or could have cared less.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:04am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    It doesn't violate Mibba's rules, but I personally think it's very hateful. My personal opinion is not a reflection of Mibba's standards.

    You posted something publicly and all users are entitled to comment on it, as I did. I don't ignore victim blaming, ever. And I strongly disagree that you're criticism of a 12 year old girl taking a nude photo is not slut shaming. You don't have to use the word "slut" to be making flawed, sexual criticisms of a woman. And I apologize if you felt I was bashing you, but I'm not retracting my statement as it's not bashing you personally, but merely a criticism of an opinion you posted publicly, and I am very admittedly hostile to that opinion. I think it's dangerous and bad for women to victim blame, and victim blamers let abusers and pedophiles off the hook while hurting women.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:01am
  • @ Airi.
    That's a matter of opinion. I never said he wasn't wrong for doing it. And I still believe it was her fault.
    October 15th, 2012 at 12:00am
  • @ Raoul Duke
    But it was the man's fault. He was a pedophile and I don't know if you're entirely grasping that piece of knowledge with how you're talking. Pedophiles manipulate, abuse, and control children. Children have fragile minds and are usually easily manipulated people. Children who already have low self-esteem are even more easily manipulated because their minds are even more fragile. So with Amanda being a child and possibly having low self-esteem, the predator probably found her incredibly easy to manipulate into giving him that photo, into giving into his sick sexual desires. Blaming Amanda or any victim of pedophilia is taking the blame off of the pedophiles and giving justification to these people. Amanda is a victim of pedophilia, she is not the blame. The predator who targeted and manipulated her is. The predator who targeted her needs to be taken off the street before he can target and hurt another child. She was innocent. She was an innocent child who was manipulated. Blaming her is giving justification to her predator, even if you're not meaning to do such that is what you are doing in the end.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • @ Kurtni
    It's not hateful. Or else you and the other blog mods would have deleted by now. And I am not, I'm simply stating that I think it's her fault. Notice, I used the word "think", which implied that it's my opinion. You, on the other hand, are simply telling me what I should believe to be ‘right.’ I have the right to say this, so why are you, frankly, acting hostile toward me? No one said you had to comment on this. And oh, slut shaming attitude? Are you saying Amanda was a slut? I never, not once, said she was one. Nor did I imply that. And it seems a bit like you're bashing me when you say I am 'exhibiting the typical slut shaming attitude that enables sexual abuse and nullifies offenders of any responsibility'.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:57pm
  • @ Draco.Malfoy
    If someone wants to kill themselves they will. Regardless of any monitoring her parents may or may not have done. I managed to selfharm while my roommate was on constant watch and once when I was hospitalized. If you want it you'll make it happen.

    Also, no, she could not have joined in anything since she was already alienated and branded a slut wherever she went. If someone is being bullied by everyone it's not just a case of "get a hobby". I was an avid reader as a child and had hobbies but I was still insanely bullied and not even allowed to join in the school's soccer team because everyone hated me.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:55pm
  • I also think the parents are to blame. If she drank bleach, over dosed the hospital, and they still didn't pick up the phone to call a therapist or school counselor, then I say the parents are as much to blame as Amanda Todd and any pervert.

    They should have been monitoring her more carefully after she tried to kill herself the first time. They should have made her delete her Facebook and stay off the internet unless she needed it for a school project.

    She should have joined clubs at her school, volunteered at any local community center or she should have got a hobby like reading.

    There are so many options that could have been decided to make her life better, but her parents chose not to help their daughter in the best way possible - in my opinion.

    A mental institution would have been a good fit too.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:52pm
  • @ Raoul Duke
    Why would you post such hateful, critical things without even getting the full story? My god, you've decimated this dead girl's character with what is essentially lies. You may be a woman, but you're exhibiting the typical slut shaming attitude that enables sexual abuse and nullifies offenders of any responsibility.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:50pm
  • @ DomWow
    I don't, mainly because I don't go around talking to strangers on the internet via webcam.

    @ Kurtni
    Anti-woman? I'm female. And you are right in a sense. I wasn't aware that she was younger than 16 when it happened.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:46pm
  • I think this is a situation where you should come back when you're a female who has been a victim of a pedophile and then had your entire life ruined because of being tricked into something by someone when you were a child. Because from what I see you say it just seems like you don't even understand what an online preditor is or how sexual abuse works.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:46pm
  • @ ladyschrei
    No, they're just as wrong as she was. And again, I never, not even once said or implied that she deserved that. No one does, just as you said.

    @ Careless Whisper.
    Call it insensitive if you want. It's the truth in my opinion. Oh, so now the excuse is because she was a child? I'm a child. Am I going around and showing my breasts so strangers? No.

    @ daisyfairy
    Oh, so I'm ignorant for not knowing what a word means? Excuse me.

    @ Airi.
    Why do you assume that I think she deserves it? I didn't say that. I never implied it. Well, in reality, it is her fault. I always stated why I feel this way. But you're also right when you say her parents are the fault, too. She did take some responsibility, but not all of it. She's acts like she's innocent, when really, she's not. She acts like she did nothing wrong and it was all the mans fault. Again, don't assume I think she deserved it. Because I never, not once, said she did. I don't think it, either. And weak people let others get the best of them. That's what she did, and she killed herself because of it. She's not as strong as you make her out to be.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:41pm
  • Raoul Duke:
    I wasn't aware that the man wasn't charged. I'm not blaming her for being 'groomed', I'm blaming her for the picture itself. She acts like she's 'innocent' when the only person who could have showed her breasts to a stranger was her. She wasn't held hostage and forced. She willingly showed herself to a stranger, and then acted as if none of it was her fault. Clearly you didn't read my blog all the way. I never said she DESERVES attention. I said she deserves none, the exact amount most suicides get. And no, I do not think she's too 'pretty' to be a victim. I've seen multiple pictures of her on Facebook pages quoting "She's so pretty, she shouldn't have killer herself, etc." I don’t have a stereotypical view on victims of suicide.
    You must know nothing about online predators, the psychology of abused children, and the things you are saying are horribly, horribly misogynistic and misinformed. Most victims of sexual abuse (in person even) do nothing at the time to resist the abuse, because they're CHILDREN and incapable of understanding what is happening to them. There was nothing she could have done to stop that photo; she was already groomed and psychologically abused. I think she probably did blame herself, extensively, but she should not have, because being a victim of sexual abuse is NOT the victim's fault, in spite of what anti-woman people such as yourself may try to say.
    October 14th, 2012 at 11:41pm