I'm not sure what to think... - Comments

  • @ ChemicalRoseRomance
    I really appreciated your comment, too!

    I am also one to not shy away from sex talk. All of my fics have very explicit sex scenes. (I often joke that my fics can used as "How To" manuals.) And I'm the same way; there are things I would never do, and other things I like that can be embarrassing!

    I'm glad you like my style! I agree, but I find that I get very, very little in the way of criticism. But getting little to no feedback does make you wonder what others are thinking!

    I hadn't thought of that! I'm going to be honest here and say that I frequent enema play websites, and a lot of people on there talk about how they knew from early adolescence that they enjoyed it, but they didn't know where to turn for proper information about alternative kinks. I just never thought that what I wrote as smut for a turn-on could be used for informative purposes in a "safe" place for curious teens! Thank you for that suggestion!!
    October 17th, 2012 at 08:01pm
  • I've read and commented....
    I've never been shy to talk about sex and I'm old enough too except that there is stuff I personally would never do but I also did things other people would blush just mentioning.

    But the most important reason why I commented is, because I really liked the style you wrote in and I wanted you to know that. Any kind of creative expression needs to be valued and it's important to hear critics, because that's the only way to improve. If I don't get any response, I can't tell if people just don't care.

    And there are really a lot of teenagers who read fanfiction and don't know that much about sex, so maybe they were just curious.
    October 17th, 2012 at 07:08pm
  • @ BitterEndXII
    I think the thing that gets me most isn't the lack of feedback but how quickly it got readers. I've written and posted a bunch of stories, that I even promoted in A/N of my other stories, and didn't get readers this quickly. That's what's so bizarre to me. How in the hell did I get, now, over a hundred readers in less than two days on something I posted under the cover of night and didn't promote?

    But I do understand what you mean. Most Frerard readers are still teenagers, and I do doubt they'll be into, or even understand, something like this. There's actually more to the story than just the smut; I made sure to show the love and trust it takes to have such a relationship and the issues of saftey that need to remain in the forefront of your mind throughout. I'm not sure I could write this as an original fiction, though; I like having the guys personas and physicalities to lean on and draw from. (I really suck at character development!)

    But I appreciate you commenting, both here and on the story, even though I knew via PM how you felt about the story! *hugs* And have no fear, sweetheart; you could have told me I needed to take it down immediately out of sheer shame of myself, and I wouldn't have taken that unkindly from you! I love you too much to take what you say to harshly! (Well, that really depends on the circumstances, but I'm pretty sure you know what I mean here! *wink*) And who better is there for me to get advice from on this, considering our shared interests?
    October 16th, 2012 at 11:00pm
  • It's a shame that you don't have alot of feed back on the story, but I feel that you pretty much hit it in your blog. As I've said, its written fabulously and as well as something about such a thing could be written. But it's an alternative kink, and any alternative kink, especially one that includes such a bizarre pain, will freak people out. I don't want to sound mean at all about it, because you know how I feel, but I'd say it has more reads than comments because its a Frerard and the majority on here read Frerards, and the lack of comments is because, as you said, people would realise what it was about and stop reading it. I'm not suggesting you do this because it's a heck of a faff, but I think you'd get a more realistic read count and feedback if it wasn't a Frerard, as perhaps fans of altnerative kink might find it easier or take it more seriously? I think it's just the case that the 14 year old Frerard fans that make up about 90% of this website wouldn't be into it. I think you should keep it up though, even if not here, but somewhere. Because it's wonderful and raw. <3 But to summarise, I think it has so few comments because quite simply, people are shocked or not into it - In the kindest possible way I say this. :)
    October 16th, 2012 at 10:15pm
  • I don't get a lot of readers, and I know how you feel. I always doubt my ability to write, but I think that no matter what, as long as you think it's good, post it. I know it's hard, but don't let anyone's critique bother you--good or bad.
    October 16th, 2012 at 09:07pm