long survey!...o_O - Comments

  • melon Soda.

    melon Soda. (100)

    you guys are really funny! xD
    August 31st, 2007 at 06:12pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    1.What's your style of dressing?
    weird. people say i dress weird.

    2.The ring tone on ur cell phone
    Honey this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us.

    3.How do u usually answer the phone?
    hey. I always say hey, no matter whos on the other side I say hey. or maybe hello sometimes.

    4.What's ur motto in life?
    I don't think I have a motto. It's weird.

    5.People would describe ur laugh as?
    squaky. seriously, I've got this really high and squacky voice and it's weird when I laugh.

    6.At the movies, or reading books, u
    prefer love story or comedy?
    Depends. If it's a cheap american kind-like comedy, romance all over the place. If it's a sarcarstic dark smart comedy then comedy. Tho in the face of really cheesy stories I choose any kindof comedy.
    Heck actually none, I'm neither a comedy or a love story kind of girl.

    7.are u crushing on anybody right now?
    *blush* Actually I'm very much in love right now.

    8.does she/he knows that u like
    Yeah, and thats why my life is perfect right now. -and i just said 2 questions before that I'm not a cheesy person, sucker me-

    9.what's the most important thing in
    Love. And understanding, compasion for each other. Warm hugs. Always warm hugs.

    10.what's the most important thing in
    ur life?
    My girlfriend, my family, my art -including painting, movie making and writing here-, and myself I think.

    11.what do you fear the most?
    Death I think, just not being anymore. The big end.

    12.what would you do if someone admits
    he/she likes you?
    Freak out on the spot and then tell her/him I have a girlfriend. It's weird cuz in the past 2 months or so I did have 2 people coming out on me and saying that they loved me.

    13.does your partner have to be rich,
    with a convertible and looks?
    Don't think so. But we want a huge house, 4 kids, a mirror on the celling, and her band to be sorta famous.

    14.your blind date is wearing sandal
    with socks, what do u think?
    Why do I always date dorks ?

    15.u easily attracted to the opposite
    sex because of their?
    Who said I am atracted to the opposite sex ?

    16.what is ur ideal career?
    Movie Director. But actually anything concerning movie making. Except scriptwriting. Or editing jobs. Those suck. Or maybe a part-time manager for some of my friends bands. I like to manage things and also be creative.

    17.on a typical saturday morning u are
    mibba journals, mibba message board, yahoo messager, or asleep. I have no life whatsoever, I know.

    18.do u gossip too much?
    Not really. People think I'm a bitch already, if I'd gossip too they'd be convinced of it.

    19.your best friend just dated your
    crush, what do u do?
    Chop her head in small bits. She knew I liked *insert name of crush here*, how could she do that to me ?

    20.would you ever spread rumour about
    your best friend?
    Okay maybe if I'd be really mad at her or something. But I'd take it back after we'd made up.

    21.what's your favourite television
    There's this tv show about movies and photography that's really cool : V is for Visual, and then there are countless detective-like ones.

    22.the most romantic movie you watched?
    Gone with the wind. Or Sound of the music.

    23.what's your favourite color?
    Purple I think. Or dark green.

    24.do you play sports?
    Nope, I do yoga sometimes but thats not a sport.

    25.what's your favourite subject in
    Arts -Tho our new teacher sucks- and Literature.

    26.what will u do if a hot but not so
    intelligent guy/girl talks to u?
    Ask him/her what do they want from me.

    27.what are u doing right now?
    Typing this survey cuz I'm kindof bored and I don't wanna go and review stuff tho I have lots of stuff to review.

    28.Who do u share ur secrets with?
    My girlfriend. And sometimes my best friend too.

    29.Current line of a song stuck in ur
    Landslide bourght it down..aww landslide brought it down.. I'm trying to learn that song from sp on the guitar. Only trying.
    August 31st, 2007 at 05:50pm
  • what the chipmunk?

    what the chipmunk? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1.What's your style of dressing?
    Erm, weird and wonderful? No idea, but I'm generally not the skinny jeans and Converse type.

    2.The ring tone on ur cell phone
    Every You, Every Me.

    3.How do u usually answer the phone?
    "Erm, hello?"

    4.What's ur motto in life?
    All things in life come under four categories: sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, and love (if you're lucky)

    5.People would describe ur laugh as?
    I cackle. Seriously.

    6.At the movies, or reading books, u
    prefer love story or comedy?
    It depends.

    7.are u crushing on anybody right now?
    Not really.

    8.does she/he knows that u like
    No, because I don't really have a crush on anyone.

    9.what's the most important thing in
    Being mature enough to handle one?

    10.what's the most important thing in
    ur life?
    Suzi and Cloe.

    11.what do you fear the most?

    12.what would you do if someone admits
    he/she likes you?
    Smile, then say something like "aw, I'm flattered, but I want to keep my options open... "

    13.does your partner have to be rich,
    with a convertible and looks?
    Doesn't have to be, but I'm not opposed to the idea. ;-)

    14.your blind date is wearing sandal
    with socks, what do u think?
    Oh dear God...
    He better have a fucking brilliant personality to make up for this.

    15.u easily attracted to the opposite
    sex because of their?
    Their cock? Erm, not really... their looks, though? Yeah, of course I am. As my Godmother said to me when I was 13, "Most relationships start on the basis that both parties see each other and want to fuck. Simple as"

    16.what is ur ideal career?
    Creative, fun, mentally stimulating.

    17.on a typical saturday morning u are
    The computer, waiting to do something.

    18.do u gossip too much?
    Not really.

    19.your best friend just dated your
    crush, what do u do?
    Secretly despise them, of course!
    Nah, if they're happy together, then what could I do about it? I should just be glad for them, because there's no use in being a bitter shit. I can't be so selfish as to ruin what could possibly be love by being a complete cunt. And generally, I don't hold the word 'crush' as synonymous with 'in love', which would hurt a hell of a lot (I assume).

    20.would you ever spread rumour about
    your best friend?
    No, key word in that sentence is 'friend'.

    21.what's your favourite television

    22.the most romantic movie you watched?
    Does Gone with the Wind count as romantic? I think it sort of does, 'cause that's the only romance-ish based film I remember watching and really enjoying. Besides Aladdin, but I don't think that counts... and My Summer of Love. Yeah, that should count. But that was a little bit too twisted to be considered romance, I think?

    23.what's your favourite color?

    24.do you play sports?

    25.what's your favourite subject in
    English, but none of the analysing bullshit. Although, that's all you really do after the age of 14 or so.

    26.what will u do if a hot but not so
    intelligent guy/girl talks to u?
    Talk back to them?

    27.what are u doing right now?

    28.Who do u share ur secrets with?
    The internet? But even then, half my secrets are unknown. Suzi and Cloe hear a lot of them, as well. The internet's great because you don't have to worry about things coming back and biting you in the arse, while you can also receive some really fucking helpful advice for your problems. And those two are amazing, because they're some of the only people I trust who I know won't really judge me.

    29.Current line of a song stuck in ur
    Suicide is painless,
    It brings on many changes.

    Oh, everyone loves that song...
    August 31st, 2007 at 05:38pm
  • Raven T.

    Raven T. (250)

    United States
    1. What's your style of dressing?
    Jeans, bands tees.

    2. The ringtone on your cellphone?
    The one that came with the phone. I've got more important things to worry about than what my cellphone sounds like.

    3. How do you usually answer the phone?

    4. What's your motto in life?
    That which does not kill you only makes you stronger

    5. People describe your laugh as

    6. At the movies or reading books, you prefer romance or comedy?
    Neither, I like Horror

    7. Are you crushing on anybody right now?

    8. Does he/she know you like them?
    I don't like anyone

    9. What's the most important thing in a relationship?

    10. What's the most important thing in your life?
    My friends and family

    11. What do you fear the most?

    12. What would you do if someone admits he/she likes you?
    Not really care to tell you the truth

    13. Does your partner have to be rich with a convertible and have looks?

    14. Your blind date is wearing sandals with socks, what do you think?
    ...why exactly am I suppose to give a fuck what he's wearing on his feet?

    15. You are easily attracted to the opposite sex because of their?
    Nothing, I'm not easily attracted to either sex.

    16. What is your ideal career?

    17. On a typical saturday morning you are?
    Sleeping or Reading

    18. Do you gossip too much?
    I never gossip

    19. Your best friend just dated your crush, what do you do?
    Not care

    20. Would yu ever spread a rumor about your best friend?

    21. What's your favorite television show?
    South Park

    22. The most romantic movie you've watched?
    I hate romantic movies

    23. What's your favorite color?

    24. Do you play sports?
    No, I hate all sports except Baseball

    25. What's your favorite subject in school?
    English I guess

    26. What would you do if a hot but unintelligent person talked to you?

    27. What are you doing right now?
    This survey

    28. Who do you share secrets with?
    My friends

    29. Current line of a song stuck in your head?
    August 31st, 2007 at 05:16pm
  • melon Soda.

    melon Soda. (100)

    i like your answers..xD
    August 31st, 2007 at 05:04pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    1.What's your style of dressing?
    jeans, t-shirt

    2.The ring tone on ur cell phone
    whatever it came with. i dont use it enough for it to matter XD

    3.How do u usually answer the phone?
    hi. or what if i know who it is and i dont want to talk to them

    4.What's ur motto in life?
    its my life and i can do whatever the hell i like.

    5.People would describe ur laugh as?
    werid. it goes up and down and cackles : )

    6.At the movies, or reading books, u
    prefer love story or comedy?
    mixed together

    7.are u crushing on anybody right now?
    uh, not that im aware of

    8.does she/he knows that u like

    9.what's the most important thing in
    trust, love, understanding.

    10.what's the most important thing in
    ur life?
    friends, family, music

    11.what do you fear the most?

    12.what would you do if someone admits
    he/she likes you?
    blush. a lot

    13.does your partner have to be rich,
    with a convertible and looks?
    god no.

    14.your blind date is wearing sandal
    with socks, what do u think?
    *cringe* ooooo dear

    15.u easily attracted to the opposite
    sex because of their?
    personalitly and sense of humour

    16.what is ur ideal career?
    something to do with genetics or history

    17.on a typical saturday morning u are
    asleep, on the computer or at art (complaining XD)

    18.do u gossip too much?
    only to my best friend

    19.your best friend just dated your
    crush, what do u do?
    be happy for her. she would deserve it : )
    (and then be jealous XD)

    20.would you ever spread rumour about
    your best friend?

    21.what's your favourite television
    spooks, waking the dead,

    22.the most romantic movie you watched?

    23.what's your favourite color?
    black, cream, red (the colours of my bedroom )

    24.do you play sports?

    25.what's your favourite subject in
    art, history

    26.what will u do if a hot but not so
    intelligent guy/girl talks to u?
    be sarcastic. i'd rather someone was intelligent then hot.

    27.what are u doing right now?
    doing this survey and trying to ignore the orange flashing bar at the bottom of the screen : )

    28.Who do u share ur secrets with?
    no one.

    29.Current line of a song stuck in ur
    the beginning of now or never by madina lake? no lyrics, but...
    August 31st, 2007 at 05:01pm
  • XoAwWwSuGaRoX

    XoAwWwSuGaRoX (100)

    New Zealand
    hehe mine.....

    1.What's your style of dressing?
    Black Skinny jeans, top, && converse.

    2.The ring tone on ur cell phone
    Famous last words and You know what they do to guys like us in Prison

    3.How do u usually answer the phone?

    4.What's ur motto in life?
    Pfft I dunno ae

    5.People would describe ur laugh as?
    Random.. I dont have a set laugh, It usually comes out different every time and sometimes its kinda embarrising

    6.At the movies, or reading books, u
    prefer love story or comedy?

    7.are u crushing on anybody right now?
    Yesh.. omg like 5 people!

    8.does she/he knows that u like
    THEY dont know.. I think they dont know anyways

    9.what's the most important thing in
    Trust, honesty, respect && communication

    10.what's the most important thing in
    ur life?
    Everything! Mainly Friends, family animals, mcr... (the list could go on..)

    11.what do you fear the most?
    NEEDLES, water, small spaces, insects, murderers, SPIDERS!!

    12.what would you do if someone admits
    he/she likes you?
    Well... It really depends on who it is...

    13.does your partner have to be rich,
    with a convertible and looks?
    Nope just someone that likes me for who I am and That I like in return

    14.your blind date is wearing sandal
    with socks, what do u think?

    15.u easily attracted to the opposite
    sex because of their?
    Hair && looks && personality!

    16.what is ur ideal career?
    I have no Fxcking clue ae!

    17.on a typical saturday morning u are
    Sleeping, Or listening to music and drinking coffee!

    18.do u gossip too much?
    Not really

    19.your best friend just dated your
    crush, what do u do?
    Be supportive for them and act like it doesnt bother me but deep down it really will!

    20.would you ever spread rumour about
    your best friend?

    21.what's your favourite television
    Thats so Emo - On ALT TV!! It plays the bestest songs!

    22.the most romantic movie you watched?
    lol The notebook

    23.what's your favourite color?
    BLACK, red && purple!

    24.do you play sports?
    Me...Sports?? Lol yeah Right!

    25.what's your favourite subject in

    26.what will u do if a hot but not so
    intelligent guy/girl talks to u?
    Talk back...I wouldnt bother me on how smart they were or wernt

    27.what are u doing right now?
    Doing this!

    28.Who do u share ur secrets with?
    No one really.. A few slip out during 'truth or dare' But otherwise I ted to keep them to myself!

    29.Current line of a song stuck in ur
    -Two more weeks
    "Well never again
    And never again
    They gave us two shots to the back of the head
    And we're
    August 31st, 2007 at 04:50pm
  • FrerardWhore-X

    FrerardWhore-X (100)

    New Zealand
    1.What's your style of dressing?

    2.The ring tone on ur cell phone
    Paramore..escape the fate and MCR

    3.How do u usually answer the phone?

    4.What's ur motto in life?
    um a quote i live by "Be yourself, dont take anyones shit and never let them take you alive"

    5.People would describe ur laugh as?
    the strangest theyve ever heard

    6.At the movies, or reading books, u
    prefer love story or comedy?

    7.are u crushing on anybody right now?

    8.does she/he knows that u like
    i think..

    9.what's the most important thing in

    10.what's the most important thing in
    ur life?
    my friends...music..MCR!! famz

    11.what do you fear the most?

    12.what would you do if someone admits
    he/she likes you?
    *blush* and be like awwwww..

    13.does your partner have to be rich,
    with a convertible and looks?

    14.your blind date is wearing sandal
    with socks, what do u think?
    cool...i love sandals and socks

    15.u easily attracted to the opposite
    sex because of their?

    16.what is ur ideal career?
    Magazine editor something along those lines

    17.on a typical saturday morning u are
    either playing netball or in bed

    18.do u gossip too much?
    i hope not

    19.your best friend just dated your
    crush, what do u do?

    20.would you ever spread rumour about
    your best friend?

    21.what's your favourite television
    Scarred..Shortland St..the simpsons...MTV

    22.the most romantic movie you watched?
    have no idea

    23.what's your favourite color?

    24.do you play sports?
    netball..and others when i feel like it

    25.what's your favourite subject in
    Art..Metal Work..

    26.what will u do if a hot but not so
    intelligent guy/girl talks to u?
    talk back

    27.what are u doing right now?
    doing this awesome survey

    28.Who do u share ur secrets with?
    my besties and KT darling

    29.Current line of a song stuck in ur
    You dont know a thing about my sins how the misery begins
    August 31st, 2007 at 04:43pm
  • xxraven-vampirexx

    xxraven-vampirexx (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1.Skinny jeans, band Tee, converse

    2. Helena

    3. Yellow?

    4. You live then you die whatever you do in between is up to you.

    5. strange cuz it changes.

    6. At the movies

    7. No I'm taken :D

    8. yurps

    9. trust

    10. Family and friends

    11. Being buried alive or butterflies (¬_¬) don't you dare laugh. *sneaky laugh*

    12. be like "oh ......... cool"

    13. Nope

    14. O_o....*runs away*

    15. penis?? *confused*

    16. Actress with a high pay :D

    17. In bed or out with friends.

    18. Used to not any more.

    19. Bitch slap her..only joking, just be happy for her.

    20. never!

    21. Balls Of Steel.

    22. Titanic..I'm not the soppy movie type of person.

    23. Black and Red.

    24. Rounders.

    25. Drama.

    26. Give him/ her intelligence lessons :D

    27. this.

    28. one of my best friends Sophie.

    29. - What If I say I'm not like the others?
    - What if I say I'm not just another one?
    August 31st, 2007 at 04:43pm