Fears - Comments

  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    I agree with Rebecca. I'm a little late on this entry, but I'm so plugged out of life that I never notice anything. Whatever. Hahaha.

    But really, I think that you are kind of outgoing. You have the ability to talk to anyone you want to when they talk to you first, and I know that I heard your name mentioned long before I even knew what the crap you looked like. And, clearly, I thought you were fabulous enough to be friends with. Since, um, yeah. You know how creepy and sketchy I was with you when we first became friends, even though I'm a naturally shy and quiet person around people I'm not SUPER familiar with.

    Related: why the hell did you become friends with me? I'm such a spaznugget.

    Anyway, moving on. Although I could tell you how wonderful and fabulous and outgoing I think you really are, I'll just say this: if you really do feel like you're too introverted, and there are people around you that you'd like to talk to, then just put yourself out there. Talk to them. Because, I have to tell you, I've never heard a single person put you down or even say anything remotely negative about you. People like ya, Diana. You have a very warm aura about you (NOT that I can see auras... *cough*), and people respond to that. So the next time you get the urge, just speak up. They're going to respond to your friendly and caring nature, and they're going to love you.

    Also, I get being afraid of putting yourself out there. But sometimes, it's necessary. Somehow, I think for all the friends I have right now, I initiated contact with them, simply because I figured they might not do it first. Taking that plunge, no matter how weird and awkward you might be, can lead to some beautiful things. And if you are somehow awkward, it can turn into a funny inside joke between people later on. (Like us, actually... Hahahaha.) I'm a firm believer that everything turns out for the best in the end, and I swear the same will happen with you.

    Now that I've given a grade-A Kate McGrail psych eval, I have to say that I love that Princess Diaries quote, too. It's one of the greats, definitely. :D
    November 11th, 2012 at 06:45am
  • Moments-of-Courage

    Moments-of-Courage (100)

    United States
    I think you're outgoing when you get to know people. I'm kind of the same way, except I feel like I just either click with a person, or I don't. I'm nice with everyone, but it doesn't mean they are my best friend. Did you know that people only used to be my friend so that they could completely use me in order to get good grades? I never knew that because I was to naive to see that friends don't take advantage of other friends like that. Naturally, stupid things like that made me closed off to most people. I wouldn't talk to people unless they spoke to me and teachers and adults were my best friends. Nobody ever wanted me or cared enough to want to know me. So, I just stopped trying. Then, Sophomore year, I met you. I noticed that you were quiet and, to me, you were that cool and awesome person that I wanted to be friends with. I spoke to you and wanted to include you into the group. It was a good thing I did. Of course, one of the first things I blurted out was that you were left-handed, but that's life, and I'm a weird child. You are really easy to get along with and I think people want to be your friend. I'm pretty sure my neighbor was like, "you know the girl with the long hair and the skirts? I want to be her friend because she just seems like an awesome person." Most people would love to be your friend and I know you want to be that person that makes them. However, you don't have to be scared. I haven't met one person who hates you. In all honesty, they would be crazy if they found a reason to not like you. Putting yourself out there is the hardest thing to do, and I'm not a good example of somebody who does that, but I believe that you are a really amazing person that anyone would be lucky to have as a friend. Also, I feel like I'm in that 1%.......because I'm not loud....though I am annoying, because I clearly can't stop talking. In any case, I was a bit teary-eyed while reading this because I feel like you are perhaps one of the most brilliant and awesome people I know. I'm pretty sure Kate agrees with me. In all, don't ever feel like that fear is constricting you because you really are one of those people that everyone could relate to and just love. I'm sure that for someone else, you are the cool and awesome person that they want to be friends with. So, chin up, Diana. You are awesome and although fears can get in the way, I'm sure you can overcome them because I know that you can overcome any obstacle in your path. :P
    November 2nd, 2012 at 10:48am