If you have a problem, read this. - Comments

  • Well, I guess I'll be the first to start it, all it takes is some courage for someone to say something. I'm actually having guy issues (yes I know typical teenage girl problems) but my parents refuse to talk with him because he's a few years older, and he actually makes me happy. I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to find that people of my own age and school are just so stupid sometimes. Guys think with their second head and the girls think after they've slathered make up on. Not to be sterotypical, but for the schools i've been too it's true. Anyways, my parents told me that next time he gets near me, they would call the Military Police on him but he's so persisant on spending 15 euros just for the train ticket to come see me for a few hours and then spend 2 hours on the ride back. I don't know what to do, so if anything could help, that would be great.
    November 2nd, 2012 at 10:27pm