Is it safe for teenagers to go see rock and metal concerts? - Comments

  • @ ladyschrei
    Actually, it was the 4th time I saw him. But yes, very lucky.
    November 7th, 2012 at 12:29pm
  • @ Queen Obscene
    You got to see Alice Cooper? Lucky D:
    November 7th, 2012 at 04:48am
  • I think the biggest fear shouldn't be in the drinking and drugs but in the pits. My friend broke his leg in a mosh pit and I broke my nose and finger in them before. But those are obviously extremely easy to avoid. You stay out of them ahah. Even then though not all mosh pits are THAT violent and more just jumping around and it's never on purpose. At least I wouldn't say any of my experiences were. I think it's perfectly safe though like my first concert I was four years old and I've been going to them pretty much every other week since I was 12 and I'm totally safe.
    November 7th, 2012 at 03:02am
  • Haaaaa.
    Just because theres achohol and perhaps drugs in the environment your in doesn't mean your going to take advantage of that fact and take part in it. Like they would serve you anyway, when they would know you were underaged or would card you. I can see why parents would be concerned about it, but i think they also need to trust you. After all, your wanting to go and enjoy music, not booze or pot.
    November 7th, 2012 at 02:43am
  • My first concert was Cradle of Filth when I was 15, and it was awesome.
    I saw Alice Cooper last week, there was a 6 year old in the 3rd row (with his parents obviously but still.)
    My ex went to his first concert when he was about 4 and that in no way screwed him up.
    November 7th, 2012 at 02:22am
  • I see it as perfectly safe, excluding the mosh pit depending on the band. There'll most likely be drugs and if the venue sells alcohol, absolutely. I don't see them putting you in danger, however, so long as you aren't the one doing the drugs and/or drinking. There's always security around (not sure about the venues you listed, though the shows I've been to) in case someone gets too rowdy, and you can always go to them for help.

    Also, referring to the part about the mosh pit, it can depend on the venue. If it's standing room only, or you're in a section where it's standing room, there's a chance you can get pushed or shoved around. There's a chance that could happen even if you were in a seat, too. You just have to be careful and try to avoid anyone acting too rough, and find a security guard.

    Other than that, I think you should be allowed to go, I don't see why not lol.
    November 7th, 2012 at 02:19am