Money problems. - Comments

  • Ce concept est totalement lié au problème de l'argent. Ici, je veux dire clairement que cette information est vraiment précieuse. Mais c'est hors de mon domaine en fait, je suis un film casino. C'est une bonne source pour s'enrichir par raccourci.
    December 8th, 2021 at 06:31am
  • I feel your pain, big time. That's such a frustrating feeling, needing things and watching your provider blow money at the same time. It's a terrible feeling and a terrible situation, really.

    But here's my advice on getting a job. APPLY EVERYWHERE, A JOB IS A JOB.

    At 17, there's no way in hell you're going to land your dream job, let alone anything close to it. The work you get will probably be remidial and tedious, but it's work and you get paid to do it, and most of all, you get job experience, so when you go to get a better job, you won't just be some 17 year old girl any more, you'll be a girl with work-force-experience.

    Make yourself a resume, even if it isn't impressive. At 17, really the fact that you even have one will be extremely impressive. Dress nice when your asking for an application, when your turning it in, and when you go in for your interview.

    The key to getting hired when your young, is you need to make the employeer believe you actually want the job. They aren't expecting you to be the best employee, or to know what to do right away, or to even be great at it. They just want someone who's motivated and willing to work, not just some slacker teenager who just wants some quick cash.
    November 8th, 2012 at 03:04am
  • @ Kurtni
    I never really thought to do that. I'll have to put one together. Thank you for the tip.
    November 8th, 2012 at 02:53am
  • Finding a job can suck :/ But once you do, you'll feel so much better because you won't have to depend on your mom.

    Do you turn in a resume with an application? Even if you don't have work experience, you can include school activities to beef it up. A lot of "high school" type jobs are just impressed that you put in the effort to make a resume, so they won't hold it against you if it doesn't have 0847801376 things on it. That's how I got my first job. If you need resume tips, shoot me a message. I'm pretty good in that department.
    November 8th, 2012 at 02:50am