"You don't know the definition of a hero and I can tell you this, Ronnie Radke isn't one of them...." - Comments

  • @ BVB-In-Reverse

    I feel sorry for Ronnie, honestly. He's arrogant, yes, but I don't even think that's how he really is. I feel like that's the defensive wall he puts up to the media and even some people. I think he'd rather be perceived as arrogant and uncaring, and that could stem back to his childhood. It's no secret that Ronnie had a rough childhood and probably dealt with things like he does now, acting like he doesn't care.

    I just went all psycho-analysis on him, hahah, but that's just how I feel. I feel like deep down, he's a good guy. He just doesn't want everyone to know.
    November 11th, 2012 at 08:34pm
  • @ sempiternal.
    Let me love you forever. You don't know how much I love you comment. That's how I see it too, their watching his every move just to catch one flaw he makes. His first tour with FIR, he was still kicking people out. He kicked them out because he doesn't want shit to go down, even though, it still does. I'd be pissed too if someone is shining a light in my eye when I'm in the middle of putting on a show for fans. People need to lay off and stop setting fire on every little mistake he makes. He's not a bad guy.
    November 11th, 2012 at 08:28pm
  • Everyone has made mistakes, but it seems like the news and the music business itself likes to make Ronnie out to be this monstrous douche bag when it's really not the case. I saw him at Warped and he seems like such a cool guy. And people were complaining because he was getting mad on stage. These two guys were reflecting mirrors in his eyes and he threatened to kick their asses, wooo such a big deal. Anyone would have threatened to kick someone's ass if they were reflecting sunlight into their eyes while they were trying to do something (or even if they were just sitting there - it doesn't feel nice regardless.)

    I feel like Ronnie gets the short end of the stick 90% of the time. People watch his every move just to catch his mistakes.
    November 11th, 2012 at 08:18pm
  • Bless your existence.
    November 11th, 2012 at 07:17pm
  • @ little motorkitty;
    I understand what you mean about whatever news is made makes money, bad or good. Yes, celebrates are people too and human so therefore, you have to have some type of respect. There are some bands that I don't like but like you said, I don't go up to others and talk how "bad" of a band they are. I'm not going to point and laugh at someone's music taste. You like what you like. If that person is your hero, I'd respect who you look up to. I would respect the shit talkers a tad bit more if they just go "Hey I'm not a fan" other than flaring out a whole hate list, you know?
    November 11th, 2012 at 03:36pm
  • @ tonic
    No you make sense, I see what you're saying. They're actions give them an image. But most people Idolize many strangers, band members, actors/actresses and so on, people need to have an open minded on who they pick is their inspiration.
    November 11th, 2012 at 03:25pm
  • @ BVB-In-Reverse
    It's alright, I kinda get what you're trying to say. Most tabloid newspapers or reporting programmes tend to focus on the bad side, after all that's what sells. And yeah I get what you mean with the bashing. I mean, personally I don't like the band but I don't go up to people and say "Oh they're shit because x and y reasons" because I'd be pissed if they did that to me. If people start trash talking them, just tell them you respect the fact they have an opinion, but you'd rather they not word it like that. Like I said before, celebrities are people too, not just some entities and they deserve respect.
    November 11th, 2012 at 03:22pm
  • @ little motorkitty;
    Hello, I'm sorry but I never meant to be offensive. I might had word that in a wrong way. I'm sharing my opinion as well but most of the news I have read are clearly cutting out the important parts. Not ALL new reporters are ignorant. What I was trying to say is that I don't like certain news centers that does nothing but hands out the bad side of all bands and nothing else. Not just one but all. You see what I'm trying to say? I'm allowing people to think different of the man but they can't be constantly insulting the fanbase and that band. Respect, you don't like that person or band, that's fine but I don't like when people constantly bash on them 24-7
    November 11th, 2012 at 03:18pm
  • "News reporters are nothing but nosey fucks that pick out certain things of every fucking story other than giving us the real deal." - First off, that is incorrect and as somebody who's a journalist I find it more than a tad offensive. Just because they report something you don't like, doesn't give you the right to say something like that.

    And hero's mean different things to different people. Some people will think well of him, some people won't. People percieve them differently. For instance, when my brother met Green Day they were really rude to him, but when I met them they were lovely. Celebrities are people too, and they're not perfect. He can be your hero, but if you're allowed to think that about him then other people have the right to think the opposite.
    November 11th, 2012 at 03:07pm
  • Frankly, fans generally do not know their heroes on a personal level, therefore they're not perceiving their idol as who they are, but rather an mentally invented image based on the celebrities actions and supposed actions. Celebrities attempt to maintain a relatively good public image, so their actions are often driven by this desire - whether they are an individual choice or a one decided by their managers or a PR firm - thus, unless you do form a personal relationship with them, you can never really know the person they truly are.

    If you’re receiving positive sensations from your perception of this man, then I see no reason to stop this idolization, but you can’t forget that he is a stranger, and the negative judgements of others are just reactions to the superficial image they have formed.

    I hope to fuck this makes sense.
    November 11th, 2012 at 02:59pm