Lesbian Phase.. Or Is It Legit? - Comments

  • The thing with being pansexual is that is, with most people, it rarely lasts. At some point in time you [I'm using this in the most general of terms] generally start to lean in one direction: you can go toward the same sex or the opposite sex. In some cases people do fall into the category of bisexuality, which is the most common sexuality to pansexuality. So what you're going through is completely normal. Overtime you could come to define yourself as a lesbian or still pansexual but honestly, from what you're describing I'd say you're bisexual. You're defining people by their sex not by who they are which is not how a pansexual person looks at their partners. I mean yes, you didn't mention sex at all but you're still going "boy" "girl" and that seems to be how you look at them. But that's what happened to both sister and myself, we were pansexual and turned out to be lesbians. One day we will have a double dating and it will be the most exciting thing ever.

    Anyway, past the learning lesson I am pro-long distance relationship. If you find the right person and it is long distance, it works. I've been in two, the first one did not work because we were young and immature and she was a little insecure. But my second one – we met each other four something years ago and only met for the first time two and a half months ago. It works, it’s the happiest we've been in a long time but we're compatible. You can't just assume that because it's long distance you can forgo all those little things you have to keep in mind when you're with someone that's right there.

    The only problem with long distance dating and your age (I took a peek) is that there really is no place you can go. You're too young to try a dating website and that's not long distance …I mean really, all you can do is all the girls you chat to online? (Tumblr, Mibba, if you're part of LiveJournal) …you know, see if something comes out of one of those relationships.

    Anys, if you ever need someone to chat with, drop me a comment or message. Always around.

    November 13th, 2012 at 06:01am