They say time heals everything.... - Comments

  • steph1984

    steph1984 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm almost 9 years down this crappy road and I there's still little things that get to me. Like the other day I was wrapping xmas presents when it dawned on me. There's one missing, another xmas without him here. You are going to have your good days and bad. You are still so early on in your grieve and its all still so raw. If you want to cry then cry. If you want to scream and shout then do it sweetie. Your dad will be with you and holding your hand every step of the way. Just like we all are. I know I haven't gone what what you have been through. But as you know now Iv'e suffered a significant loss and if you ever want to talk to me I dont mind lending a cyber ear.

    massive love and hugs x
    November 18th, 2012 at 11:00pm
  • soupy

    soupy (100)

    Sometimes I wish "they" would keep things to themselves.

    Everyone deals with loss differently - and I wish I could say that the worst is over. I am sure you will have days that your loss will be more palpable - holidays, birthdays, anniversaries - but there are also those moments - those everyday things you shared -that will no longer seem so everyday. But I do believe that eventually you find a new reality - a way of dealing with things that will hopefully allow you to find some kind of peace in all of this.

    I know that day must seem far away at this point. I hope your writing helps. You so clearly articulate your feelings that I really hear the pain you are experiencing. I hope you get to the point where you can remember your Dad and smile.

    I know you dont know me and I dont want to trivialize your loss, but please know that I empathize with you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    November 18th, 2012 at 10:38pm
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    I wish I could say the pain will fade away but the truth is that it won't, it'll just slowly get easier to deal with. It's been two years since my dad died and I still miss him every day. Sometimes it's easier to deal with and somtimes it's impossible to breath when I think about it. But things slowly get... not exactly better, but easier in a way.
    November 18th, 2012 at 10:16pm