Frustrated - Comments

  • blowmetopieces.

    blowmetopieces. (100)

    United States
    I can relate. I have a crappy dead end job and my life has been crummy also. What really helped me was leaving my dad's house to live on campus at my school. Even though I had no idea what I wanted to do when I got here, I started figuring it out. I also realized it was mostly my dad causing all my problems (i.e. he's really oppressive) and getting away from him and his craziness really helped me a lot. I now get to live my own life and make my own rules. Even though I'm still at my crappy job, being in school makes it worth it, because I feel like I'm working toward something (even though my path is still somewhat unclear). Life tends to figure itself out; all we have to do is hang on for the ride. Grip as tightly as you can and you'll make it through.
    November 26th, 2012 at 04:32am
  • Usako

    Usako (150)

    United States
    You only fail when you give up. My advice would be to, perhaps, look for a more money-advantageous job. I think that would help you open more doors for yourself. My friend was in a similar dead-end job (she wasn't getting promoted and wasn't getting raises for all the work she was doing), and she decided to leave for a better one. She's now on track to becoming an assistant manager. It happened to me as well this past summer when I was looking for work. I was getting minimal hours with lousy pay so I thought, "Screw this, I'll find something better" and I did.

    As for finding your "calling in school", if that's what you choose, think about what you like to do, what interests you, and how you can apply that into a job. I know there are multiple career inventories take; it never hurts to take one of those.

    You gotta keep chugging.
    November 26th, 2012 at 03:47am