I cannot stand comments like this. Just...no. - Comments

  • @ Elegance.
    Yeah. I mean, I believe in God, but seriously. Creating a woman from a man's rib? O.o

    Exactly. I thought it said God was the only one who could judge, so I don't even know.
    November 28th, 2012 at 12:49pm
  • I'm slow when it comes from religion, but didn't Eve come from Adam's rib or something? So technically, Adam and Eve is non-existent, and it's Adam and his Decorated Rib. I dunno, I'm not religious. I'm just saying that there are so many stupid reasons not to accept others that religion shouldn't be brought into this.

    Plus, isn't it part of the bible to accept others as they are?

    I dunno.
    November 28th, 2012 at 12:45pm
  • @ Careless Whisper.
    I just think if you're in a group discussion, you shouldn't necessarily say straight out your religious belief. Just say, "I think it's unnatural." Or something like that. Student to student, okay. In a group discussion? I just don't think that's fine.

    I think everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. That's cool. That doesn't mean I have to agree, like you said. I just think that someone shouldn't use religious backing in a debate about something because if someone doesn't believe your beliefs, you're not going to use this religious beliefs to sway them. My own opinion.

    I get irritated with people's opinions, just as I'm sure others do with mine. I may not agree and I may get irritated, but I'm not going to call the person out. I at least attempt to tolerate them. It may not seem like it, but I do.
    November 27th, 2012 at 05:44pm
  • Just because it's a public school doesn't mean they can't discuss God. Religion can't be mandatory education in schools, but it's not against the law for people to discuss their beliefs, especially student to student.

    If you're tolerant you shouldn't have a problem with others believing in God and being against gay marriage. This is what gets me about this kind of statement: tolerance is not defined by the beliefs of one person. If you're open and accepting of the beliefs of others, it shouldn't matter if they're liberal or conservative, atheist or Christian, if you're "open-minded" you should accept opposing beliefs, whether they bother you or not. You don't have to agree, but saying one shouldn't express their beliefs in their argument is far from tolerant.

    Just sayin'.
    November 27th, 2012 at 02:18pm
  • @ Stormborn
    I just can't even. I mean, everyone has their own beliefs. And the whole extremist thing, exactly. I know people who are Muslim and they are perfectly fine. There are always going to be those extremists, and you can't group an entire religion around those people.
    November 27th, 2012 at 04:11am
  • @ countrygirl62696
    It's crazy, you hear this type of thing in college too! You'd think at a university level it would be different but nope. I rarely hear people be intolerant of people's sexuality but there are a lot of people who hate Muslims. It's just so stupid, every religion has their own extremist sects, you can't base your opinions of millions of people on something horrible a few did.
    November 27th, 2012 at 04:05am
  • @ Stormborn
    Exactly! It would've been different if I went to a private school or some sort of Christian private school. But it's a public school, and you don't do that because you don't know who believes what. I was just like O.O
    November 27th, 2012 at 03:57am
  • @ countrygirl62696
    Especially in a public school!
    November 27th, 2012 at 03:56am
  • @ Stormborn
    Exactly! I was sitting there and I was shocked. I was just like, "How can you think being tolerant is a bad thing?!"
    November 27th, 2012 at 03:54am
  • Wow I can't believe how intolerant people are to this day! It just astounds me.
    November 27th, 2012 at 03:50am