To All Those Who Go To Concerts, I Need You - Comments

  • chemical daze.

    chemical daze. (100)

    United States
    1. 40 plus

    2. I used to go a to a couple a week but now probably only a couple a month. Still fairly often.

    3. GA I hate seated events ahaha.

    4. Yeah. I've been kicked in the head and face by crowd surfers which is obviously accidental, literally stepped on by people who don't know how to crowd surf and think you just climb on top of everyone, etc. I was in the front row against the fence a handful of times and I bruised my ribs because I was pushed so hard against them. I broke my arm, my toe, and got a few bloody noses. I think the only thing that never happened was that I never passed out lol

    5. If you can't handle crowds you can't handle a GA show. Pretty much anyone else can all you need to do is be relatively aggressive and be able to handle being hit/pushed and you'll be fine.

    5 1/2. Heavy metal

    5 3/4. I've never met a bouncer I didn't like! They always help people out who need to be taken out and they're always super nice

    6. Expect the worst and just have a good time ahaha.
    December 5th, 2012 at 09:49pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    1. 1-10.
    2. Whenever a band that I like tours.
    3. Usually GA.
    4. I've been elbowed in the head, but that's about it.
    5. (1) Stay upright and it's fine.
    (2) Depends on the fanbase. MCR was a great crowd and these fans let my friend through because they saw we were separated.
    (3) No, I think they're fine.
    6. Stay standing and don't wear shoes they are painful.
    December 5th, 2012 at 09:49pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    1) How many shows have you been to? (1-10, 11-21, 21-40, 40+)
    40+, but not all were big events.

    2) How often do you go to shows?
    I went to a friend's gig a month ago, and I'm seeing Gotye tonight. I used to go more frequently, but it depends who's touring.

    3) Are they usually GA (General Admission) or seated events?
    GA. Never been seated.

    4) Have you ever been hurt at a show? Stories please<3
    Yes. I saw Escape the Fate at a gig in 2008 at Fowler's, which holds about 500 all standing positions. Max decided to stage dive and his ass hit me in the face, and my nose bled. But I was just happy to touch that ass ;)
    I've fainted at Kisschasy in the mosh due to the heat but luckily 2 strangers carried me out before I was hurt.
    The worst was when I saw 30 Seconds to Mars at an outdoor festival. I was on the barrier, and there were thousands behind me. Jared Leto then said, "the first 10 people to crowdsurf to the front stage can stand on it with me". Asshole. So, there were too many people crowdsurfing for the security to help get down safely, and someone landed heavily on my upper back, forcing me to be bent over the railing at the ribs for too long. Once they were finally lifted from me I was screaming and crying in pain, needing to get out, and the security didn't help me because I looked like just another crazed fan. Now, needless to say, I hate Jared Leto and his inconsiderate ass.
    I also once went to see Manson at an ALL AGES gig and he was handing out alcohol. There were people in the audience with sharp extentions on their fingers and dangerous accessories that are usually removed when you enter the venue, but EVERYONE was like that so they let it slide. There were drugs circulating in the mosh. Very dangerous environment.

    5) How do you survive GA shows?
    I dress in jeans and a tshirt (something I wouldn't mind getting ripped), don't wear any jewellrey, and I try to either get in the first 3 rows, or back a little where it's not so insane. I drink a lot of water in line, and only put in my bag what is essential. I try to make friends around me, and I make sure I have space for my feet to sit flat on the floor before the bands come on and it's then too late to do so because of the pushing.

    5 1/2) What genre of shows have the most dangerous crowds?
    It depends on how irrisponsible the bands are, their fanbase's level of obsession, and stuff like that. I'd feel safer at Manson compared to say, 1D, because that fanbase is stronger, meaner, and aggressive. Young girls lose themselves in front of attractive men.
    I was at MCR in 2007, who have a shitty fanbase, and Gerard asked them to stop pushing at the front and to take a few steps back.

    5 3/4) Are bouncers getting too pushy/aggressive?
    Not in my experience. They're usually kind and are just doing their job. If you're crowdsurfing and potentially harming others, of course they're not gonna give a shit how you land on the concrete floor when they pull you out.

    6) Tips on concert virgins for surviving the pit?
    Get front row, or stand back a bit where people are less aggressive. Nothing ruins a gig more than being surrounded by bitches that are screaming, "I love you!" every spare second, and scratching you/kneeing you/undoing your bra/leaning on you/physically pushing your head down. Yes, I've experienced all of that.
    But you know what? Tonight, I'm still gonna stand in that mosh. There's a brilliant moment when everybody moves as one, and it's worth a few shit experiences to get there. :)
    December 5th, 2012 at 09:30pm
  • gar-bage

    gar-bage (300)

    United States
    1. UM, 21-40.
    2. Once in a while. Few times a year, I guess.
    3. GA.
    4. No, but I've seen it. I almost always go to small, hardcore shows so sometimes someone gets hurt but it's almost always an accident and everyone is chill. Once I went with this guy and someone smashed a trash can on his head. He just kept dancing, no problem.
    5. Stand near the edge and just enjoy.
    -Hardcore, I think.
    -Not at the venues I go to.
    6. Stand near the side and if you see a big guy observing, stand by him. Chances are if someone gets too close, you can duck behind him or he'll even stop someone from hurting you. That's what I always do.
    December 5th, 2012 at 08:20pm
  • Queen Obscene

    Queen Obscene (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1) How many shows have you been to? (1-10, 11-21, 21-40, 40+)
    I've lost count. Must be getting on for 40 odd by now.

    2) How often do you go to shows?
    Any time someone good tours. Several a year excluding festivals.

    3) Are they usually GA (General Admission) or seated events?
    General admission mostly.

    4) Have you ever been hurt at a show? Stories please<3
    I got head-butted in the shoulder watching Buckcherry last week. I've been shoved around loads of times. Took an elbow in the spine to watch Motley Crue.

    5) How do you survive GA shows?
    I can keep my balance when the crowd surges and I can take it when someone knocks in to me too hard.
    Or I go with my guy friends and they handle the pushing through to the front for me.

    5 1/2) What genre of shows have the most dangerous crowds?
    Pretty much any crowd can get intense down the front, the most violent I've been to was Cradle Of Filth so I'll guess anything where the old school metalheads are going to be pitting.

    5 3/4) Are bouncers getting too pushy/aggressive?
    Never anywhere I've been

    6) Tips on concert virgins for surviving the pit?
    Stay out of it. Or be able to take a hit from someone way bigger than you without crying like a little girl.
    And don't be the type to bleed easily.
    December 5th, 2012 at 08:14pm
  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    1) How many shows have you been to? (1-10, 11-21, 21-40, 40+)

    2) How often do you go to shows?
    Not regularly. Just when there's a band I like and I can afford it.

    3) Are they usually GA (General Admission) or seated events?

    4) Have you ever been hurt at a show? Stories please<3
    A girl bit me at an MCR show once.

    5) How do you survive GA shows?
    I just do...?

    5 1/2) What genre of shows have the most dangerous crowds?
    It depends on the fans, not the genre.

    5 3/4) Are bouncers getting too pushy/aggressive?

    6) Tips on concert virgins for surviving the pit?
    Don't go in there.
    December 5th, 2012 at 07:54pm
  • Usako

    Usako (150)

    United States
    1) 1-10; nobody really comes around where I live.

    2) Unfortunately, not very much. If they were more accessible, I would. I have the means, but just nobody comes around!

    3) Half and Half.

    4) I've never been hurt at a show, but people have been rude and obnoxious to me. There was this one time this girl in huge-butt combat boots kept stepping on my friend's and my feet. She kept pushing us out of the way, and when her dad pulled her out of the way, she kept hitting and scraping our heels. There was no winning with this girl.

    Overall though, my concert experiences have been safe ones. Haha, one time my friend got beer poured all over her. She was so pissed.

    5) I just do. I think it's the type of people in my area. They aren't very "out-of-control" per se.

    5 1/2) The only ones that have been obnoxious are at rock concerts.
    5 3/4) I've never had a problem, but I've heard the exact opposite from other people. I've heard of bouncers and security guards not doing their job, and people getting hurt because of it.

    6) I may not be the best person for this advice because I'm a country bumpkin compared to some, but for me it's just about knowing your surroundings. Stay hydrated and be alert. If you feel sick, get out.
    December 5th, 2012 at 07:53pm
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    1. 6, I think?

    2. Every couple years or so.

    3. A couple have been.

    4. Nope. I do remember one guy who was geting all confrontational with the guy on the other side of me, and I was a little nervous because it could have ended badly for me...but security was right there and they broke it up immediately.

    5. I just...move with the crowd, I guess. I've never been in a crowd that gets too rowdy, so the worst that's ever happened to me (aside from the above story) was having my chest kind of pushed into the barrier at the Green Day concert when the crowd all surged forward. (I'm not sure about 5 1/2, because I've only been to shows for a couple different genres--I've been to Green Day, Linkin Park (twice), Fort Minor, Great Big Sea (which is kind of folky), and Fall Out Boy. But I've never seen an excessively aggressive bouncer, to answer 5 3/4.)

    6. The thing that helped me was just to be there with someone I trusted, so that we could keep an eye out for each other if anything happened.

    I'm sorry to not be helpful in terms of stories of harrowing danger. =P But in my (limited) experience, concerts haven't been dangerous at all. It depends on what kind of show you go to, and I'm sure some really heavy rock concerts might get a lot more aggressive, but I don't think it would be fair to make a blanket statement about concerts in general just because there's so much diversity in types of concerts, fan demographic, music, and mood. Even my fiance, who's seen about 50 different bands live (including a couple of music festivals), has never gotten injured at a concert--and he's got a lot more experience (and variety of experience) than I do.
    December 5th, 2012 at 07:51pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    1. Somewhere between 10-15 actually, I've lost count. Probably falls in between the 11-21.

    2. Not often anymore, where I live now there is literally no local concerts or anything else.

    3. General admission, I've been to one seated events, talk about boring.

    4. Hmm... Not really bad. Went to one where the mosh pit I was watching got kind of crazy, one of the guys bumped into me and I went flying back onto the stage. What hurt most was my pride.

    5. Uhm... They aren't dangerous, so... just do.
    5.b I don't know, depends on if we're speaking local or big time concerts like MCR/One Direction. I've been to rock concerts where no one was hurt at all, so...
    5.c I don't think so. Bouncers usually know what kind of force to use, and the only times they get aggressive is when people assume they have the right to put their hands on them. Just my experience though.

    6. Learn the different types of pits. I have seen two, most dangerous was when people were doing all kinds of acrobatics, but people usually form a circle around them to keep outsiders from getting hurt. Always wear comfortable protective shoes, in case someone with boots stomps your toes, watch out for hands.

    I do know of this one story but it isn't my own. My cousin went to a SlipKnot concert, and I can't remember the guy's name(he's the one with the spiked mask) anyway, he was climbing around and he went to jump into the crowd and she didn't move out of the way so he accidentally kicked my cousin in the face. I died laughing at her when she told me. It was A LONG time ago, I would say early 2000 to 2005ish.
    December 5th, 2012 at 07:50pm
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    Well, I don't know if this will help you because I'd disagree that it's something to be concerned, but..

    1) How many shows have you been to?

    2) How often do you go to shows?
    I go to music festivals every summer, and I live right by a music venue that I get free tickets to through work, so frequently.

    3) Are they usually GA (General Admission) or seated events?
    General Admission

    4) Have you ever been hurt at a show? Stories please<3
    I got really dehydrated at Lollapalooza during Green Day's set , and needed to get out of the (huge) crowd. While I was trying to get out, other people were trying to get in, so I kept getting pushed and stepped on. I was really dizzy and faint, so it was pretty scary, but my boyfriend got me out.

    5) How do you survive GA shows?
    Easily, it's not a big deal at all. Most people are courteous and just excited to see the music. Unless you're the one being obnoxious, you don't have anything to worry about. Don't push people, don't try and get in front of people who were there first and don't get wasted.

    5 1/2) What genre of shows have the most dangerous crowds?
    I don't think most shows are dangerous. If I had to pick, I would probably say Dubstep/electronic shows. Not because the people are violent or you'll get physically hurt, but because they do drugs in a crowded, hot environment where it's hard to tell if someone is in trouble/needs medical help, and it's an environment that enables sexual assaults to occur. Even then though, I've only seen one person overdose and need medical attention our of all the raves I've been to.

    5 3/4) Are bouncers getting too pushy/aggressive?
    I've never been to a concert that had bouncers... just people who take your tickets.

    6) Tips on concert virgins for surviving the pit?
    Stay out of it? Unless you're a big burly dude, you'll get hurt. Most mosh pits I've seen are confined to a certain area and they only mosh with people who go their voluntarily. You have to be responsible for yourself and decide if that's something you should partake in.
    December 5th, 2012 at 07:49pm