My kids will have nerdy names. + SORES UNDER MY TONGUE, WTF. + Rich people shouldn't have to pay higher taxes because they work. - Comments

  • The argument always given about rich people not paying taxes is "they make more jobs for other people with that money" which is just a load of bullshit. If they're can hire more people, the economy is so shit that they don't have to pay them much. AKA they still get loads of money and complain anyways. I hate that subject so much.
    December 13th, 2012 at 01:48am
  • Totally not a funny subject, but putting that in all caps made me chuckle.

    Anyways. Exactly. I'm middle class, but a lot of my family is poor or lower middle class. My grandma gets social security and food stamps and she hates it. She has her pride and she doesn't like to accept help despite the fact that she desperately needs it because her husband died and she can't work anymore because she got injured while she was working. I'm just like, "So you think people like her are lazy?"
    December 13th, 2012 at 12:11am
  • @ AmorarEsDeVivir

    I do adore the name Julian, as well, though, hahah. :)

    And exactly, I wish these rich people who complain about the taxes they had to pay would live on an income of 20K to 40K a year. If that. Just so they could see how things roll. My grandmother draws a social security check and she hates it. HATES IT. But she is unable to work, therefore, she has no real option.

    I know not all wealthy people have this mind frame, but I just want to shake my head at the ones that do.
    December 12th, 2012 at 11:28pm
  • Edit: I meant "Julius," not "Julian." =/ I don't know why I said "Julian," besides the fact that my mom's dad and one of my mom's brothers are both named Julius and my uncle "Julius" actually went by Julian for a long time (no idea why) so that's what my mind went to. >.> Okay. Done rambling on your blog now, I am sorry.
    December 12th, 2012 at 11:15pm
  • I like the name "Julian" a lot. =) When I heard "nerdy names" the first thought in my head was how part of me kind of wants to have a daughter named Lalaith, which means "laughter" in Elvish. >.> But that probably won't actually happen because yeah.

    I know so many people who think that all rich people worked really hard for their money and poor people simply haven't worked hard enough. People don't seem to understand that poverty is a self-perpetuating cycle, or that those who start deeper in poverty have a harder time advancing their socioeconomic status than those who start out in middle class, and that sometimes it is actually impossible to get out of debt without help. There's this constant shaming in the U.S. of anyone who needs help, that they should be able to pull themselves up "by the bootstraps" and magically their problems will disappear, and no one is willing to pay attention to the mechanics of why that simply doesn't always work.

    And any rich person bitching about taxes because they "only" get to keep $500,000 a year out of their $850,000 income can just go ahead and TRY living on the combined $20,000 a year my fiance and I are trying to get our family started on, and then just go ahead and tell me how I don't work hard enough or pay enough taxes. =/

    ...Sorry to rant. It's a touchy subject. Sad thing is, I actually have family members who have told me that people who go into debt do so because of their own mistakes and that people are on government assistance--always--because of laziness or stupidity. Makes me so angry.
    December 12th, 2012 at 11:13pm
  • @ countrygirl62696

    That's my thoughts. She also said that because rich people give to charities, that's also a reason they shouldn't have to pay higher taxes.

    I had to explain to her that the government isn't "out to get" the rich like all rich people seem to think. It's based on a percent of income, not just "MUAHAHAH, RICH PEOPLE, LET'S TAKE THEIR MONEY."
    December 12th, 2012 at 11:11pm
  • It's sad that there are people who think like that, honestly. I mean, yeah, you worked for that money. But no one's saying you have to live this luxurious life or not give back. I would think if you had worked your way up from that, you'd want to give others the same opportunities.
    December 12th, 2012 at 10:53pm
  • @ countrygirl62696

    All I could do was laugh, honestly. She's a spoiled little rich gal, I can't expect her to understand anything outside of that world. I just write her off as ignorant and go on.
    December 12th, 2012 at 10:50pm
  • Had I been in your class, I probably would've screamed at the girl. Or strangled her. That's just...I can't even.
    December 12th, 2012 at 10:48pm