Time Machine, Moonshiners, urgh. - Comments

  • @ Tygra's Kitten Kori
    Lol, my friends all laugh at how I talk. I'll be like, "I done did this." and they're like, "Done did?" Or instead of saying put as how it should be said, it sounds like, "putt" as in putt-putt. They're just like, "You sound like you shouldn't be from Virginia. You sound like you're from Tennessee or something." XD
    December 13th, 2012 at 04:26am
  • XD My family's all from Maryland and Tennessee and I think I have a few distant relatives from Lousiana or something because of all the thick southern accents I hear from my family in Tennessee. I mean since Tennessee isn't that far from Lousiana, I wouldn't doubt it. My friends often say I'm a big hillbillly because of the southern accent I use sometimes. XD
    December 13th, 2012 at 04:24am
  • @ Tygra's Kitten Kori
    Lol, same with my family. I swear, my family owns so many rifles that we could build an armory. XD I kid, I kid. Or, well, maybe not... Lol. But yeah. My family's from West Virginia, Virginia, and Tennessee. My friends are like, "You were born a redneck." Lol.
    December 13th, 2012 at 04:20am
  • My family is full of rednecks/hilly billy types in Tennessee. So, I wouldn't doubt that I have some moonshiners in my little clan too. But my relatives in Tennessee are all about hunting, moonshining, and fishing. God do they love to fish. ._______________________.
    December 13th, 2012 at 04:16am