My father was so nice today | What makes you wanna read a story? - Comments

  • @ cotton.
    Yeh. I know right! Like why would you say that? A gay person is still a person.
    I'm pretty picky.
    December 17th, 2012 at 11:02pm
  • @ raroman
    I understand why you're worked up. I was so shocked yesterday that I cried, because I don't think he understood the seriousness of what he said.

    And same, I'll read anything really as long as it sparks my interest. I don't discriminate.
    December 17th, 2012 at 11:00pm
  • Okay for one: No one deserves to be killed. Unless they are a confirmed threat to people and cannot be saved (ex:Osama, and even I was conflicted about that) they should not be killed.
    How would you feel if someone just decided they should be the one to pull the plug on you because of something you can't change?
    And homosexuality exists in 1,400 species. Homophobia exists in only one. Are those beautiful creatures created by God "sinning"?
    Sorry I got worked up. But even I try to work through my prejudices. Even homophobes, sexist, or racist people don't deserve to be killed.
    Oh and a story? One shot, slash, relatively good, good spelling/grammar/punctuation, written by an author I know is good, not too depressing. A good layout is also a bonus.
    Live long and find slash,
    December 17th, 2012 at 10:50pm