Since everyone else is talking about it, I guess I will too. - Comments

  • @ Bonkers.
    I have to have a lock on my door. It makes me more comfortable.
    December 18th, 2012 at 01:34am
  • That's what I hate about where I live. I don't have a lock on my door. How can people not have locks on their bedroom doors? >_> When I lived in Alabama every time I entered my room I automatically locked it behind me, it gives me a better sense of security.
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:56am
  • @ Bonkers.
    I sleep in the basement, so yeah, can't sleep with the door open. I hated having a sheet as my door for 2-3 years because it was like an open door. I always lock my door when I go to bed because I feel like it would at least stall someone for a second.
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:51am
  • Oh, same here. I also can't sleep with a door open. It's strange but ehe. But yeah, people are crazy and sometimes you really can't wait until authorities get there, sometimes they're too late. So, I want some form of protection.
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:39am
  • @ Bonkers.
    Holy shit, that's insane, lol. I remember this Capital Meats guy came to our old house one time and because of a bad experience with them, when the guy wouldn't leave, my dad took my baseball bat and chased him to his van. At our house now, my dad pulled out the 30/30 and was like, "You have 5 seconds to get off my property and you can go back and tell your supervisor I never want to see one of y'all at my house again." We've yet to see another one.

    I feel safer with the baseball bat there because I know it's at least something if someone breaks in. I have to sleep facing my door to feel comfortable, lol.
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:36am
  • Well, there's another story for that. In the house I live in now, Amy told me this one time that this woman walked into their house while everyone was asleep. I think Amy said she was schizophrenic and thought that house was her's. Well, she took down all the pictures and was beating on my cousin's bedroom door saying something along the lines of she's the savior of the children, or some crap. Well, my cousin called the cops, and trust me when I say this town is SMALL. It is MAYBE a fifteen minute drive from the police station to our house.

    First time they said someone was on the way. Some odd minutes later, nothing. She called back. "They're on their way." Nothing. After an hour and a half she called again and said if they don't get her out of her house she is going to take her gun and get the woman out herself. FINALLY they arrived and escorted the woman out who was asleep on the couch. ._. Like really, I think this is all Georgia's fault, well the town I live. But the point is they didn't come until my cousin threatened to shoot the women. Turned out she just got confused because her house is on the street behind ours, but still. There's no telling what could have happened in that time frame.

    I used to sleep with a knife under my pillow, because I'm a coward and I have seen way too many slasher films to feel safe sleeping alone.. >_>;;
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:29am
  • @ Bonkers.
    Wow, that's crazy, lol.

    It does take time, but I feel like if I called 911 and said the, "There's someone at my house. If they break in the door and I feel like I'm in danger, I have a gun and I will shoot," then I feel like the police would come quicker. Just my opinion.

    I feel much safer knowing I have the guns to protect me. I always keep a baseball bat by my bed in case someone comes into my room. If they had a gun, however, I wouldn't attempt to use the baseball bat because a bat will not beat a gun. But it won't stop them from getting things like assault and automatic weapons, it'll just make it more difficult and more expensive.
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:24am
  • I think it would depend on where you live on how good your security is. My aunt and I went to clean out her cousin's house because he was currently serving time and he had a bunch of valuables that would be left unattended in his house. Well, we forgot the code and when we opened the door the alarm went off. We couldn't find the phone to answer, if they called, it took the cops over thirty minutes to get to that house. We had already had everything packed in the truck... we were waiting on the cops to shut the alarm off and so they could see we weren't intruders. :l Now, imagine if that house was full of a kids and a murderer had waltzed in. Security systems sure stopped us!

    Point is. It takes time for people to respond. By the time authority arrives how many people do you think can be shot, stabbed, raped, murdered, etc?

    So, yeah I would feel a bit more safe with a handgun of some sort. Assault/automatic weapons need to be banned, however, and their needs to be tighter control. But another thing, illegal won't stop people from getting guns. There's those who know how to make guns and there's those who can obtain them illegally. Just think drugs on that one.
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:21am