The Lies of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas - Comments

  • They're just fun holidays. I mean, honestly. This may come off rude, and I'll apologize, but just because you may not like them doesn't mean you have to ruin it for those who do. I love Christmas because I get to see family and I get presents. I love Thanksgiving because I get to see family and have some of my most favorite foods that I can't make throughout the year. Halloween is fun for little kids to get dressed up and get some candy. And Black Friday, I'm sorry, but I want to save money and while it's crazy and frantic, I enjoy saving money on things because that leaves me more money in the long run.
    December 18th, 2012 at 02:37am
  • I really don't think people are celebrating Satan's birth... and he was an angel, so I don't think he has a birthday, anyway. It's just a fun holiday about candy and costumes and most of the population doesn't take it as more than that. Not everyone is a Christian, either.

    You're really looking way too hard into these things. Most people just use these holidays to see their family and enjoy time together. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and there's nothing wrong with getting/giving presents, either.
    December 18th, 2012 at 01:23am
  • Halloween originally started as a Pagan holiday known as All Hallow's Eve and it was meant to be a festival for the dead. Other people adopted it and changed it into what we know today, just a fun night for the little ones to dress up and earn themselves some candy. Halloween, as far as I know, doesn't have any real Christian roots because it isn't a Christian holiday.

    Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday as well that Christians sort of copied. Like Halloweens, Christmas has changed a lot and doesn't have many religious roots anymore. For a lot of people, Christmas is one of the only times of the year they can get together with their family.

    As for Thanksgiving.... Way I see it is Thanksgiving is now just used as an excuse for people to stuff their faces and not feel bad about it. It's a chance for people to get a nice home cooked meal when they may not get that very often, I know quite a few college students living in dorms probably appreciate that holiday. c:

    Black Friday is a disgrace, plain and simple. So many people acting like fucking animals over some sales. I don't even get it. So I agree with you there.

    I don't think those are so much as lies but rather misunderstandings that have occurred over the years since all of these holidays are so old. The older something gets, the more misinformation is going to be about it. But I mean hey, if you don't like holidays, don't celebrate them. A lot of people celebrate holidays for the sheer fact it brings families together. If you don't want to celebrate them then don't, no one is forcing you to and you can easily ignore them.
    December 18th, 2012 at 01:04am
  • Chill out and have some fun. If you don't want to spend money then don't. It doesn't mean you can't enjoy the holidays.
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:53am
  • Hey don't forget Valentine's Day, another useless day of wasting money on stupid things no one really cares about.

    lol just saying Wink
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:49am
  • Careful, love. The Jesus-thumpers out there are going to eat you alive! ;)
    December 18th, 2012 at 12:49am