Just Another Journal About Everything No One is Going to Read. I Hope Someone Proves Me Wrong. - Comments

  • Harleen Winchester.

    Harleen Winchester. (100)

    United States
    @xXXCHAOSXXx: Animals have always been a big part of my life. They're just like family to me. I had a lot of feral cats back in Georgia, and three of the mothers had kittens. When we had to move, we ended up being able to have the Humane Society actually come to our home and pick up all the kittens and cats so they could adopt them out. I probably wouldn't have moved if they didn't get a home for each and every one of them. We were able to keep three and I love them to death. Since I can't have anymore while I'm living here, I try to do all I can for the shelters. It's the best feeling in the world to help something so innocent that wouldn't have a fighting chance without our help.
    December 24th, 2012 at 01:03pm
  • Harleen Winchester.

    Harleen Winchester. (100)

    United States
    @xXXCHAOSXXx: Animals have always been a big part of my life. They're just like family to me. I had a lot of feral cats back in Georgia, and three of the mothers had kittens. When we had to move, we ended up being able to have the Humane Society actually come to our home and pick up all the kittens and cats so they could adopt them out. I probably wouldn't have moved if they didn't get a home for each and every one of them. We were able to keep three and I love them to death. Since I can't have anymore while I'm living here, I try to do all I can for the shelters. It's the best feeling in the world to help something so innocent that wouldn't have a fighting chance without our help.
    December 24th, 2012 at 01:03pm
  • Harleen Winchester.

    Harleen Winchester. (100)

    United States
    @Hurricane Bell: Other than my mom, dad and brother, my fiance is the only other family I have. I'm hoping we can move out to where she's staying by next Christmas. It's good that I at least have mom around to talk to about everything going on. Ever since my 17th my mom has been even more supportive and an even better friend. Cancer is really the one of the worst things that can happen. My friend Matty that I mentioned actually died from it, and my mother had it as well for a very long time. Luckily, it hasn't come back and I had mine removed as well. It seems like every other generation in my family gets it, with mine and my brothers being the only exception. I'm sorry to hear about your family as well ): I'm preparing for the worst here but hoping for the best. Maybe by some miracle my brother has a fighting chance. It's hard to stay strong and positive for it but I'm trying.
    December 24th, 2012 at 12:59pm
  • DanosaurRawrr

    DanosaurRawrr (100)

    Wow. I'm so glad that someone out there cares for the animals!! It sounds like you put a lot of thought and love into it. So amazing!!! <3
    December 23rd, 2012 at 01:01pm
  • glasswings

    glasswings (110)

    Neutral Zone
    It sounds like you've been having a tough couple of months!
    I hope things look up soon, even if Christmas is a little disappointing or brings back memories: it is a time for family after all. It's a shame you can't be with your fiancé :( and I'm so sorry about your brother, although that phrase has always annoyed me. I really am. I've been through the whole cancer thing a few times with members of my family, and it's hard, it really is, and very exhausting for everyone. But nevertheless, I wish you all the luck in the world :) Things always look up, in a few days or weeks or whenever. It sounds like writing is a good way for you to vent :) I hope you get back in to it! xx
    December 23rd, 2012 at 10:34am