Fan Fictions. - Comments

  • K guys. Back off my friend. She's just expressing what she feels and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I mean, I write fanfictions all the time, and she hates them, but do I care? No. Because I'm doing what I love most and Elly's opinion doesn't matter, and you should be saying that too because you don't even know her. I think we should all just shrug this off and go back to what we originally started doing on this site and that is writing what we want to write.
    January 7th, 2013 at 06:22am
  • Think Hmm.... I honestly want to laugh, but not at you or anyone else or at what you said, but at the general idea. I write fanfics all the time, but of course, in general, fanfiction allows beginning writers to get in a lot of practice, and I do admit, a lot of the stories (fanfiction) floating around the internet has the same basic story line, and a lot of the fanfic writers are all beginners -- they're high school kids that dream having a romance with their favorite characters or their favorite band member. Of course, I was once guilty of writing crappy fanfics way back when, but I expanded my horizons and learned how to better myself and my writing. Of course, i still write fanfics, but I will one day branch out to original fiction and start writing a long story that will be good (in my eyes at least. :P).
    December 27th, 2012 at 03:22pm
  • Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this way about fan fictions. See for me, a great writer is a writer who comes up with great characters. Not everyone feels that way but characters are the biggest thing for me. So when you take either already established fictional characters or real celebrites and turn it into a story about you banging the singer from *Insert faggy "metal" band* it takes away the potential to create your own interesting characters and just seems lazy.
    December 27th, 2012 at 11:42am
  • I didn't lump all of it into the "sucks" pile. I like original plots. And yeah, there are some poorly written originals. I wasn't talking about those.
    December 27th, 2012 at 10:17am
  • I don't think you get our point. I mean really, Join the Masquerade has said it very nicely. It's not just fanfiction. There are a ton of crappy original fics too. So, I really hope you do understand that what's offensive isn't that you dislike fanfiction, it's that you lump all of it into a 'sucks' pile when there are original fictions that are just as badly written. If you would have said used the word 'some' instead of just including the whole genre, I know I wouldn't have been offended by your statements at all. It's when you make vast generalizations that you're going to offend people.
    December 27th, 2012 at 10:15am
  • I sort of agree with you. I mean, so many writers (both fanfiction and original fiction) write the same tiresome love stories. There's very little originality in romance anymore which is one of the reasons I refuse to read a romance story, be it published or online. It's hard to find a romance story that stands out these days. I mean, that doesn't make someone a bad writer though. Someone could use a cliche and overused plot while still making it work because their writing is just that good. Having a cliche plot doesn't totally mean the person didn't put any effort into it because I'm sure a lot of the writers have. But it can be discouraging though to see so many stories with such similar plots.

    It's not just fanfiction though, it seems to be the entire genre of romance that uses cliche plots. But I guess in the end, there isn't too much you can do with a sole romance story since romance would be the focus of it.
    December 27th, 2012 at 10:08am
  • Agree to disagree.
    December 27th, 2012 at 10:02am
  • I don't think "having a bad night" is the best excuse to offend.
    December 27th, 2012 at 09:58am
  • If I sound rude at all, then I'm sorry, because I'm having a bad night and I don't mean to. And I get your point.
    December 27th, 2012 at 09:53am
  • Wow. Okay. This is better stated than your last blog, but I still think you're not seeing what's offensive here. I put a whole hell of a lot of effort into everything I write including fanfiction. I take the time to plan, write and edit. I try my best to come up with original concepts to include these premade characters and give them personalities that are molded from basic traits.

    Not all fanfictions are choppy fantasies and the ones that I'm writing are actually challenging me to write better because it's creativity in a construct. I started out with only original fiction. I still write original fiction, but I also think that writing my 1D fanfics challenges me. I think you don't realize the effort some people put into these pieces.

    Honestly, I could say the same for a lot of the original fiction pieces on sites like this.

    The writing is lack luster and the characters lack depth. It's not the type that makes it that way it's the writer and their ability as well as level of comprehension.

    So, please try to understand my side here when I say, I'm a bit offended. I mean really, there's a link in my signature to a story called The Descent, I'm only 1 chapter in. Read that and then tell me that all fanfiction sucks, because I actually think it may be one of the best things I've ever written.
    December 27th, 2012 at 09:52am
  • I've come across just as many crappy original stories as I have fanfictions. The originality of a story has NOTHING to do with the characters included. If those that wrote fanfics that you disapprove of were to start original stories, those stories would be of the same quality.

    I think people have a problem seeing that no, not everyone can write. Just like not everyone can play an instrument, draw, or cook, etc. It's a gift, mixed with a whole lot of patience and persistance. I just, personally, think that there is more enjoyment to be had reading a crappy fanfic than there is to be had reading a crappy original story. And that annoys some people, who are usually non-fanfic writers that don't read much of it.
    December 27th, 2012 at 09:50am