Let's Get Wasted Tonight...Peanut Butter Wasted? :D Questions for the lonesomes tonight :P - Comments

  • Yay I feel less alone! Glad I'm not the only one kicking it solo tonight!Pandora is the shit :P
    January 1st, 2013 at 06:08am
  • 1.) Not much really, surfing the interwebz.
    2.) Nope. :(
    3.) Babysitting and watching the ball drop. :)
    4.) Duh, I'm fabulous. *insert that one high school musical song here*
    5.) Yes, please! They look amazing. :D

    Happy New Years, lovely! Have a great one. Cheers. xx.
    January 1st, 2013 at 05:47am
  • 1.) Not much just listening to Pandora.
    2.) Not really just probably drink some champagne later.
    3.) Probably get really loud lol
    4.) Of course!
    5.) Sure! they look delicious :D
    January 1st, 2013 at 05:34am
  • 1.Scrolling through the web, watching my daughter sleep. 2.) Probably not. 3.) Going to bed with my fiancec; 4. More like ugly and sad to share it. 5. They look yummy! Have a good night miss.
    January 1st, 2013 at 05:04am
  • 1. Watching ParaNorman with the parental units and our psychopathic dogs. Fun times, and that's not sarcastic at all.
    2. Not really. I just ate some macaroons and blueberries.
    3. Blasting Some Nights while staring out the window wrapped in a sheet. (It's from one of my stories. Please don't ask.) In reality, sneaking another few cookies and going to bed.
    4. Oh god please don't mention that song to me.
    5. Nah. I'm good, I have chocolate-dipped macaroons and chocolate marshmallow fudge. Thanks for offering, though. :D
    January 1st, 2013 at 05:02am
  • 1. Watching The Goonies. In my opinion, it's the best way to end the year.
    2. Not really. I'm just sitting around. It's kind of what I've been doing lately, haha.
    3. Well, I think I'll be up since I slept a lot the past couple of days. I might change the channel and watch the ball drop later on.
    4. Psh, you know it. Wink Dance Oh, now that song is playing in my head.
    5. YES PLEASE!!! Even though I ate some of my Christmas candy earlier...ah, who cares.
    January 1st, 2013 at 04:48am
  • 1. Watching Family Guy. Nothing incredibly exciting, really.
    2. Not really, I guess.
    3. Might be sleeping. Probably tumbling.
    4. Why yes, thank you for asking.
    5. I'm sooo hungry. I want to go upstairs and get food but my parents have people over and akljfdoaisoanwefnwfe.
    January 1st, 2013 at 04:39am