What's the point of life? Is there one? - Comments

  • We are humans my captain. We are the only animal that destroys the place it lives. Some of our ideas were good and advanced our society. A lot of our ideas were horrible, but still advanced us. Now we have to deal with the traditions and customs that were a boon to our ancestors, but those things are in need of refining to help new generations (us).
    If happiness is what you seek, then you have to attain it through your own means. Do things that make you happy. Grasp happiness from a higher power. Or simply release whatever doesn't give you that feeling. Happiness has been a choice in my eyes for a few years. One day I thought, 'It doesn't matter what just happened. I want to be happy! This is a funeral, and I respect that, but I want to smile for the moments of the past.'
    Make the most of your time. As for the meaning of life... I guess my idea is make your own meaning. The majority may never understand, but it's your life to live.
    January 2nd, 2013 at 07:56am
  • I was just talking about this very subject when I was describing the difference between humans and other animals to my friend. Studying biology, one of the main differences I've noticed between humans and other animals is this: for centuries, since the beginning of modern man, we've been obssessed with our purpose in life, and why we're here. Other animals don't worry about why they're here, or what their purpose is, and I think there's something to that.

    You live on this big, beautiful, amazing planet that has spent millions of years perfecting itself. As a part of this planet, you're also a part of its ecosystem, and you're a part of its existence. There is no generic point to life. It should be exactly what you want it to be. Maybe there isn't a point to life, but you're here, you're existing, and that should be enough. Some people don't get that chance. Yeah, life can be shitty and this planet can be a horrible place, but your life is what you make it. You're young, and there is so much opportunity out there for you if you are willing to go out and find it. If you want there to be a point to your life, then make a point. Nobody else is going to do it for you and nobody else is going to tell you what it is, because you're here for whatever reason you want to be. Realize that you're a part of something amazing.
    January 2nd, 2013 at 04:58am
  • god, i wish i were still in high school with the lack of worries you have.
    January 2nd, 2013 at 03:05am
  • My opinion is that there is obviously a reason we're here. Whether you can see it or not, your life does have meaning. I know the world has turned into a nasty, disgusting place, but that doesn't mean it has to make you miserable. Things may look bad now, and I'm not going to lie to you and tell you it's going to get better and that everything is going to be happy and rainbows and sunflowers. Life sucks. We just have to learn to make something wonderful out of something horrible. One of my most favorite quotes ever:

    "The beauty in what's broken is that it can be fixed."

    Remember that.
    January 2nd, 2013 at 02:31am