I"m done with all this life. - Comments

  • You are beautiful. No one defines your beauty but yourself, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise, I do not care who they are. A beautiful soul is better than any other feature in the world.

    Don't let anyone tell you what beauty is, because beauty has a different to each and there own. You are beautiful by your own definition, not societies, not anyone elses.
    January 3rd, 2013 at 03:54am
  • The people who don't make your life better or even make an effort to be a friend are of no use to you. Society makes "meaningful" relationship look so amazing but they are a lot of work and sometimes bring even more pain. Do what you love or try something new. People come and go, but the people who are meant to be in your life will come along. You are here for a reason. You probably haven't even met the person who's life you are going to affect in way you couldn't imagine. Be honest to people and let those who are willing to, help you. Try and go into this year with a new out look.
    January 2nd, 2013 at 07:05am
  • Message me and talk to me if you want <3 I'm a great listener and I won't judge you. You can't give up, sweetheart. Things are never going to be perfect, but it's the imperfection of life that makes it worth living.
    January 2nd, 2013 at 03:41am
  • You know we all feel alone and worthless. Some more than others. I felt it, and still feel it a lot. I had months where the first thing I looked forward to once I got out of bed was going right back to sleep, and hibernating until my entire life had gone. But that time has passed now, and honestly I don't want time to waste away. There's so much that I want to do with my life, and I'm not just going to give up just because it hasn't gotten anywhere just yet. I haven't had any serious relationships. Heck, not even my family knows who I truly am. But that's whats writing is for, isn't it? A way to find meaning? And it's New Years, please enjoy it. It's the one night a year where you can feel optimistic about the future for utterly no reason at all. Is that not a beautiful thing and something that should be held and cherished. Please realized that this empty-worthless feeling doesn't last forever. I know, why listen to a 15-year-old over the internet? I have no idea what you've gone through, or who you are, (and the same thing goes for you--you don't know one thing that I've overcome) but I don't think it matters. I just want to offer my own advice, as feeble and unreliable as it seems, and I hope you hang on for the sake of finding that motivation you need.
    January 2nd, 2013 at 02:51am