Bored of Mibba + Freelance Writing - Comments

  • @Haylie Jaed
    Thank you! I'll go check that site out.
    January 5th, 2013 at 01:43am
  • I don't know how much help the site could be to you, but I also read on Wattpad. A number of their authors have ended up being published, publishers frequent the site by the sound of things, and there's at least one professional author on there (Margaret Atwood). I plan on posting my original fictions on there as soon as I really get them started, so I can't comment on how well you'll get constructive crit on there, but it's worth a shot, no?

    As for freelance writing, I think it's a fantastic idea. I don't know too much about it though, so I can't comment a great deal here. But again, it's definitely worth a shot. =)
    January 5th, 2013 at 01:13am