• @sempiternal. first i would like to say that i love your username and bmth. I've checked carefully and multiple times. i thought that while i was checking today too. the last time i saw them was Christmas eve. I've been calm for a little while and have checked everywhere from under my bed to the printer. And its not just my ticket that I lost, its also my best friends.

    @Cannons Yeah see, i would never put tickets in my wallet until the day of the show. THAT'S WHAT I'M AFRAID OF! See, because i don't know what happened to them. I've looked through my big bag of trash and it wasn't there either. i did and they have not seen them and were like "well you should have kept it in your drawer" because that's where it was before i showed my friend that's going with me the tickets. they'd only be in my room and that's whats freaking me out.
    January 6th, 2013 at 06:51pm
  • The all time low tickets were in my wallet but I was paranoid that I would lose them because I didn't want to leave them in my room because they might get lose or someone may come in my room and decide to throw away paper that was laying around.Plus I do have a nosy sister who likes to take my things. Anyway, I just stuck the ticket in my wallet and put the wallet in my bookbag.
    How about the floor or behind like your bed or desk? They could have fell onto the floor. Ask your parents if they have seen them around the house. Maybe you left them on the counter in the kitchen or on a table.
    January 6th, 2013 at 06:35pm
  • Check CAREFULLY. If you rush you're more likely to overlook them. I did the same thing with mine and my best friend's Warped Tour tickets last summer. I was in the process of moving and thought I'd lost them somewhere, but tearing the room apart didn't help me. When I calmly and carefully went back through my room, I found them. They'd fallen in between a wall and the tv stand.

    So when you're calmer, look then.
    January 6th, 2013 at 06:33pm
  • @Cannons I never put tickets in my wallet. So your All Time Low ticket was in your purse? My tickets are still in the Etix envelope and I still cant find it. I don't know what to do.
    January 6th, 2013 at 06:16pm
  • Did you retrace your steps? Check your wallet, bag/purse (if you have one) pants pockets?
    I freaked out for like a month and half when I had my all time low ticket. I was always paranoid that I would lose it so I would check my wallet every day making sure it was there and that I didn't somehow lose it D:
    January 6th, 2013 at 05:59pm