I'm going to talk about One Direction for a moment. - Comments

  • That's sweet that you are moving forward. It's beautiful actually. The attribution to one direction though.. It's not the best thing. Don't worry I'm not going to hate I want to just tell you about a friend of mine. She was obsessed with 1D especially zayn... and she would listen to their music and watch their videos constantly. Obsessively. She slowly realized all her time was taken up by her obsession and ... Well.. Almost worship of them. She had to stop. So slowly she moved away from obsessing to talking to her family and friends more and writing about things that really changed her life and inspired her about people and her own abilities. And being part of our community... and being in activities to help reduce poverty.

    Be confident! You are a woman of the world with so many things to be grateful for. You have a computer & a phone as well likely. And a roof over your head and lots of food and clothes. There are opportunities for you to write and act in courageous and significant ways. You are healthy and have loving people around you. So don't worry about being stuck to one worldly thing. You have so many great people around and opportunities and you can make a business and opportunities for yourself. There's no limit. And no one person can give you your worth, because you are priceless. Just from reading your post I know you have a beautiful heart. Just keep moving forward. And keep writing sweet things from your heart as well. You'll be successful one day. You just have to believe in good things and be confident!

    Haha take care, I hope this was beneficial to you!!
    January 22nd, 2013 at 01:12am
  • There's a difference between obsession and love. And in love, there's true love and there's passion. And I'm so passionate about One Direction because like you said, they make me happy. Completely happy and I don't think that's something that people understand a lot.
    January 8th, 2013 at 02:46am
  • This is beautiful. I was living under a rock and didn't know who One Direction was up until a few weeks ago. I honestly do not see why some people hate them so much. They're really awesome! Although their music isn't exactly what I listen to, I still respect them as artists! They're all really good looking too, although I'm secretly loving Niall; he's such a cutie!
    January 8th, 2013 at 02:13am
  • @ louis tomlinson.
    Lol I love you too haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like this
    January 7th, 2013 at 08:52pm

    THIS BLOG BASICALLY SUMS UP MY ENTIRE LIFE AND JUST ASDFGHJKL i'm sorry for the yelling but you have no idea how much I can relate to this, it's almost a little scary.

    This blog is beautiful and you are beautiful and whenever I need to sum my life up to people I will just show them this. I love you okay bye.
    January 7th, 2013 at 08:33pm
  • I think if a band makes you happy, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. And I think people get annoyed because they don't quite understand it the same way you do. Music and bands have extreme, profound affects on those who listen, and it is the most beautiful thing in the world. If they make you happy, don't be ashamed Cool
    January 7th, 2013 at 05:20pm
  • This is beautiful.
    And you are beautiful.
    And preach it, sista!

    My love for 1D doesn't make sense to me either but they're the most beautiful boys on the inside and the out. <3
    January 7th, 2013 at 03:09pm
  • Hi. You don't know me, but I love you.
    January 7th, 2013 at 10:23am