Your not weak, your in pain ~ Suicide - Comments

  • Yea I quit talking about killing myself with friends, all they do is preach at me with no help.

    What's the point in talking, when no one wants to listen to you. And all they do is preach and don't try and help

    Plus the main reason I want to die, is so I wont be in anymore physical pain like I have been for almost 3 years. Yet though that is a on and off struggle.

    Yet right now I'm fighting against the urge with writing and crap like that and a friend that actually cares to listen and help me.

    But anywho, its sad that no one wants to help those who are feeling this way.
    January 9th, 2013 at 06:23pm
  • People who call suicide stupid, selfish, weak, cowardly, easy, or anything of the sort make it very obvious they have absolutely no idea what it's truly like to struggle with those feelings. If they did, they wouldn't be so uncaring and harsh. They wouldn't be basically encouraging people to kill themselves. I've struggled with suicidal feelings in the past and I still struggle with them, it grabs hold of you and refuses to let you go. It's hard to overcome these feelings and sometimes, it's just not possible. Having suicidal feelings is one of the worst things a person can go through and the apathetic way our society looks at suicide helps no one.
    January 9th, 2013 at 02:42am