Say Something in Russian (and other questions) - Comments

  • Moments-of-Courage

    Moments-of-Courage (100)

    United States
    ........It's funny, I can answer nearly 100% of these for you.......haha :P

    Well...hmmm, let's see, my beautiful Russian......

    1.) Why are you a banana? (Share the banana story if you wish.)
    2.) What is your favorite childhood memory?
    3.) I did this one for Kate, but I'm going to mix it up. Make a 30 second rap using the names of the shoes you have along with your favorite designers. (Like integrate the names and all of that or whatever, your choice.)
    4.) Again, What is your favorite outfit? Please show us, including the shoes. :P
    5.) Ummm, Which country would you like to visit and/or live in?
    6.) Do you like the beach, why or why not? what is your favorite memory of the beach and your favorite part of being at the beach? (These questions go together, so technically it's only one.)
    7.) What was your favorite part of the story I wrote you?
    8.) What is your favorite character that you have written?
    9.) Who is your favorite author and why?
    10.) What was the best part of high school for you so far?
    11.) Why are you so amazing and perfect...and I swear to Chika, if you say you aren't, I'm going to jump out of a window or something of the like...possibly swim in an ocean of my tears to Antarctica to freeze with the little life that exists......
    12.) You must show us how you make your buns......because I want to see :P If you can't, then that's cool too......I will just have to cry....
    13.) Favorite accessory? Favorite pair of shoes? Favorite purse/bag? (I know you like my turtle bag giiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllllllllll :P)
    14.) Who has influenced you the most?'
    15.) What are your favorite stories on mibba? (Or any other writing website)
    16.) I suck at this question thing...I'm sorry.......ummm......Your favorite memory?
    17.) What if your favorite movie and why?
    18.) What is your favorite time of day and why?
    19.) What is your favorite part about nighttime? Why?
    20.) What do you want to do this summer? What is your favorite part about summer? Why?
    21.) Favorite ice cream? (Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for the win.......but then again, things could have changed :P)
    22.) What is your favorite colorguard memory?
    23.) More personal...but what is your favorite memory with me?
    24.) Sing for us with your beautiful voice! Sing a snippet of your favorite song for at least ten seconds :P
    25.) What is your favorite song? Why?
    26.) What is your favorite part about writing?
    27.) Oooooo child.....I have asked far too many, but they could be yeah..... ummmmmm what is the best Christmas present you have received?
    28.) Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment, or are you just focusing on more important things? (Sorry for that poorly worded question....but I am honey badger, and therefore, I do not care.)
    29.) What is your all time favorite desert?
    30.) If you were stuck on a deserted island, which 10 people would you like to be there with you? (Get creative because I'm excited about this question! )

    Well...I made it up to 30, so I guess I'll just go sit my bum down.......You were being very sassy and demanding.....I'm going to have to go ask Kate more questions now..........I'll probably have to ask you some questions again as well, later on.......Anyway, here you go...I'm very tired. If you need me to explain what I mean in any of the questions, I'll be glad to help you out and let you know....considering they could be incoherent :P

    Love you, Boo Beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed the questions, Boooo Bearrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! :P ♥
    January 12th, 2013 at 03:38am
  • notweirdbutunique

    notweirdbutunique (750)

    Omg, Kate just overload you with questions, haha! Here's mine.

    1) Will you write a 1D crack-fic? I remembered someone wrote Harry as a slug and I was laughing so hard! lmfao

    2) Can you do a sassy Louis Tomlinson impersonation?? Mr. Green

    January 11th, 2013 at 06:44am
  • Halloweenlover

    Halloweenlover (100)

    United States
    1.) Favorite book?
    2.) Favorite TV show?
    3.) Do you like video games?
    4.) What's your favorite type of food?
    5.) Fan fiction or original fiction?
    6.) What was the name of your first story?
    A. Did you like your first story?
    B. Or did you hate it?

    7.) Do you like anime or cartoons better?

    That's all! :D
    January 11th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • GoodGirl;

    GoodGirl; (105)

    United States
    1) First crush? (story please?)
    2) Favorite movie
    3) most treasured memory
    4)Why are you so gorgeous
    Favorite story on here?
    Favorite song that you can tie back to a memory?
    Favorite story you're writing
    Favorite food
    Weirdest dream?
    most embarassing moment?
    Erm... do you like Emblem3?

    Okay.. let's get serious..

    Opinion on Cut4Bieber?
    January 11th, 2013 at 12:56am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    1) How much do you love Kate?
    2) If you could be any insect, what would you be?
    3) Why are you not Kingsley?
    4) How's married life?
    5) Why are you so beautiful?
    6) Why did you start writing?
    7) What's your favorite story to write that you are currently updating?
    8) Who's your favorite model from ANTM?
    9) How is your left big toe doing?
    10) Have you ever had any pets?
    11) What's your favorite outfit and why?
    12) What is your favorite pair of shoes?
    13) What made you love football so much?
    14) Why is Tom Brady so attractive?
    15) How do write such ;)
    16) Why is Kate your favorite friend ever?
    17) Say something in Russian. ;)
    18) What shows are your favorite besides our shared love for America's Next Top Model?
    19) Is your Yorkshire Tea still around?
    20) What are your thoughts on Nap Day?

    January 11th, 2013 at 12:18am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Who is your favorite 1D boy? (YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE)
    Top 3 hottest celebrities besides 1D?
    January 11th, 2013 at 12:18am