How to see yourself as beautiful - Comments

  • This is really great, you seem very smart and I like your writing style :) This reminds me of an interview with Lady Gaga (I am being completely serious) when she said she has trained herself to think of five good things she likes about herself in the morning, and that everyone should try that (something like that, it was a while ago).
    And as to weight? I think a human looks beautiful when they are the weight nature intended them to be, wether it be a little heavier than the next girl/guy or a little lighter than someone else. Good on you for posting this :)
    January 15th, 2013 at 10:57pm
  • I have my pretty days and my ugly days. I don't ware make-up unless its a special occasion. IDK, the whole thing about weight really annoys me. How people who are size 14 are considered overweight models and such. 14? I would love to be a size 14! But, no, size 6 or 0 is where its at. Well, I'm not going to starve myself to be thin. I am going to be happy and content with what I do--with moderation.

    And I was just talking to my roommate from Kenya, she was saying how large sizes are adored over there and the guys are desperate for women. Here all the girls are desperate. Its not fair. lol. And I am from a small town, so I never had a lot of options.

    It can be so f-ed up sometimes.
    January 12th, 2013 at 09:12pm
  • Now this I can relate to.
    January 12th, 2013 at 04:36pm