Inspiration and Motivation in Writing Needed - Comments

  • Maybe try to watch movies or read books that kind of have the same genre as the story your writing? I hope that works. And I know I'm stating the obvious but music helps a whole lot. Also, I found this and this; they're Mibba tutorials for battling writer's block, though you might have already read these before. Hope this helped as well xD
    January 13th, 2013 at 08:35pm
  • @ The Doctor
    This did help a lot thank you!
    January 13th, 2013 at 08:14pm
  • I have this problem, too. I was set on finishing the story I have on here, but someone actually discouraged me- not saying the username.

    One way to keep going is to write 200 words a day. Keep it small. Also, do you write down the skeleton of your stories before writing them? If you don't have it all set up before you write, it's hard to push yourself to finish them.

    One more question. Are you re-reading what you've written over and over again and constantly critising yourself? If so, I'd suggest not looking at anything you've written until you're done with it. The story is not going to be perfect, as it's a rough draft. Plus, many who write rely on editors to fine tune the things that aren't as strong as the rest of the work, anyway, so don't be so hard on yourself.

    Hope this helped. Just keep writing!
    January 13th, 2013 at 07:58pm