Where have I been? - Comments

  • Yes! And now I have to wait until season 8 (which is still being filmed in the U.S.) to get done in its entirety before buying it on DVD. I just hope the show itself ends on a really good note as the creator intended it to do. Yea, I can't remember how far back it goes though, but I know it's somewhere in in my blood. Nope. I've never been anywhere outside the States. I've been to maybe a few other states in the U.S. to visit family, but other than that, I've never left my home state. :P Now that's cool! Castle sounds really awesome! I'll have to see if I can buy it or find it at my library. :) White Collar seems really interesting.. :)
    January 15th, 2013 at 12:24am
  • @ Phil's Baby Hina
    Awww thats a cool gift, it coming from entire family. BIg BEN! London Eye. Lake District (Not in London). Ice Bar! Oooo do you? You never been on a holiday here or anything then? Castle is about a Writer who has writers block and decides to use his connections to allow him to shadow a police force led by a female cop called Beckett. He gets into several scrapes and helps solving cases with his narrative thinking, as well as writing a new series based on his adventures with the police force. White Collar is an ex con... well, still a con, gets released on bail to work alongside the FBI in order to capture other criminials. It's really good. Both of them. Bones is brilliant. Haven't watched it in ages myself either
    January 15th, 2013 at 12:02am
  • Thank you, Nathan. Cute Actually it was. All of those presents, including the big one was the entire dvd set. But they're more like presents from my entire family, but I think my uncle was the main one who bought it since he works at video store. I want to go partially because of my mibba friends that live there, but I want to go to see the historical sites there, like the Tower of London and some other things. I also have some English blood in my from my grandfather's side, so it would be interesting to see. :) Yep. I've watched Bones before; I really liked it. But I haven't watched it in a while though. What's White Collar Castle about?
    January 14th, 2013 at 10:02pm
  • @ Phil's Baby Hina
    Hey Hina. I'm glad you had a good christmas. That sounds fun. Was the DVD set the present from your uncle? You do? Why's that? Don't get me wrong, I like England lol. But what makes you wish to visit? Supernatural aye? Oh, have you ever watched Bones, Castle or White Collar.
    January 14th, 2013 at 09:19pm
  • Yay for a great Christmas! :D I wanna go to England one day. :) I've been pretty good actually. My Christmas was pretty good as well - considering I got my favorite tv series on dvd. Still waiting on Season eight of Supernatural to come out. I stayed in and watched Christmas specials with my uncle and grandpa. :)
    January 14th, 2013 at 08:18pm