Because Thats Why, Mikeyway - Comments

  • RedRomRomance

    RedRomRomance (100)

    United States
    Do you know his life or what actually happened? And who are you to tell me I can or can't love someone? And, no. It is not your business. The public has no room in their privite life. I love him as a brother and family forgives family no matter the stupid shit they do.

    He saved my life, okay? I wouldn't be here to write this comment if not for him. So give him the benifit of the doubt.

    I am not saying I am giving him a jail free card, pass go, collect a million dollars. But we shouldn't just stop loving him because of a stupid mistake he may or may not regret doing.

    It is wrong, maybe and yes, but I am not going to judge him or love him any less.

    Because we are the MCRmy and we are family. We break all the sterotypes and forgive but remember. Did you forget that?

    And I will never stop loving him because he never gave up on me and I have done things I wish I never did, but those actions and decisions were way more stupid than this.

    Thank-you for commenting.

    January 31st, 2013 at 06:38pm
  • semolina

    semolina (150)

    United States
    So you dont care what he does or if he's a cheater, but you love him?? That makes no sense. When you're famous, your business becomes the public's business and he knows that. That's his responsibility, not ours.
    January 31st, 2013 at 12:38am