Issues - Comments

  • Quoth Raven

    Quoth Raven (100)

    United States
    I don't know how much this will help, but here goes.

    Honey... you just need to realize that she's her own person, and at her age, this is just how she's going to be. You can't make her see how she's hurting you apparently, so there will just have to be some sort of realization she comes to on her own.

    Until then, all I can say is just hold on. You can always come to me to talk, and I'm sure anyone that also cares will open their ears and hearts for you. You have to live your life, sometimes it's going to hurt people around you that don't want to open their eyes and see you for the grown ass woman you are. That's their problem.

    You can't let anyone, not me, your mom, Uncle Lou for down the way, the old lady at the end of the road that does hair...NO ONE can stand in your way. You need to live your life the way you see fit, regardless of what anyone says or thinks about you.

    It's not fair to you to keep nursing something unhealthy quietly in hopes it will change if no one is willing to meet you half way. Do something that makes you happy, get out of the house and walk around the neighbor hood if you must. Take it from me, when you feel homicidal staying around the ones that made you feel that way can only make it worst. Take time to cool off and try letting them know that something they did upset you. If they can't handle that in a positive way, as your sister might say, that's their problem to solve.

    Goodluck and I love you. Talk to me anytime! Smile
    February 8th, 2013 at 11:53pm